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Searching by distance in the ATS

47 bytes added, 20:03, 31 October 2007
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</u>'''Searching Search by distance in the ATSDistance'''</u>
Distance SearchIn the ATS,1. Click the '''Candidates2. Click the Fields tab3'''. Select US Zip Distance4. Enter a zip code in the Keywords field and click Search
A new column appears on 2. Click the right labelled Miles with the number of miles from the zip that was entered'''Fields''' tab.
[[Image:Image1_36498_distance_default3. Select '''US Zip Distance'''.jpg]]<br>(screenshot 1)
The list is automatically sorted by Miles with the candidates closest to the 4. Enter a zip listed at code in the top'''Keywords''' field and click '''Search'''.
Search a Specific DistantBy default A new column appears on the right labeled '''Miles''', with the system assumes <= 30 miles to specify a specific number of miles1. In Keywords enter from the zip followed by a comma followed by the number of miles [zip,# of miles].2that were entered. Click Search
[[Image:Image1_36498_distance_default.jpg]] The list is automatically sorted by '''Miles''', with the candidates closest to the zip listed at the top. <u>'''Search a Specific Distance'''</u> By default the system assumes '''<= 30''' miles to specify a specific number of miles. 1. In '''Keywords''' enter the zip followed by a comma followed by the number of miles [zip,# of miles]. 2. Click '''Search'''. For example, to see all applicants within 5 miles of 90210, enter 90210,5.
(screenshot 2)
<u>'''Search within resultsResults'''</u> 
Searching within results still applies when searching on distance.
For example, to see a list of applicants within 30 miles of 90210 and within 5 miles of 90048
For example, to see a list of applicants within 30 miles of 90210 and within 5 miles of 90048: 1. Enter 90210 and click '''Search'''. 2. Check the '''Search with results within Results''' box. 3. Enter 90048,5 and click '''Search'''.
(screenshot 3)
A list of applicants meeting the criteria is displayed.

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