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Convert Special Characters to PDF

21 bytes added, 13:51, 8 March 2013
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When a [[Web Page View]] is converted from HTML to PDF certain special characters may not be converted correctly.
Most western Latin Unicode characters will be displayed normally. If your PDF will contain non-Latin characters such as Japanese , Korean or Greek, then they have tell the PDF writer using must be told to use TTF (True Type Font) and specify the font should be usedspecified. The font must be one that can render the characters correctly. You must also tell the PDF writer to use True Type Font by including the following anywhere with the [[Web Page View]]:
* <font size="3">&lt;!--Use TTF--></font>
For example, to display Japanese characters properly , do the following:
# Put this '''&lt;!--Use TTF-->''' somewhere within the web page view
# Put this '''&lt;font face="VAL Gothic Regular">''' or '''&lt;font face="Bitstream Cyberbit">''' in front of the text that will contain the special/non-Latin characters.
'''Note:''' Many fonts such as Japanese and Korean do not fully support bold text. Accordingly , using "&lt;b>" or "&lt;strong>" tags, or style="font-weight:bold or 200 etc. (or CSS entries) may result in garbled output. Thus , in the &lt;style> example above , the font-weight is defined as normal. Note that any in-line styles in the Web Page View (i.e. &lt;span style="font-face:Arial">) will override the styles defined in the style tag.

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