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14 bytes added, 12:17, 31 May 2012
An Event has the following fields:
'''Activity Type''' can be an '''Event''' or '''Task'''. 
'''Calendar''' is which Calendar to add the Event.
'''Subject''' is the subject of the Calendar.
 '''Event Type''' is the type of Event (e.g. Phone Call, Conference, Interview). '''Event Status''' is the status for the Event (Tentative, Confirmed, Completed, Cancelled). 
'''Phone''' is the phone number.
'''Start Date''' is the start date of the Event.
'''End Date''' is the end date of the Event.
'''Start Time''' is the start time of the Event.
'''End Time''' is the end time of the Event, this has a timer feature which an be activated by clicking the timer icon.
'''Whole Day Event''' is a checkbox which can be ticked if it is a whole day Event.
'''Entered By''' is who entered the Event.

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