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Web Page View Field Variables

74 bytes added, 17:56, 19 January 2011
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3. If required, change the margins.
==How to control print behaviorbehaviour==
'''To define a page break place the following code in the HTML source before the content you deem as the next page''':
Please note that the page orientation control only works with Internet Explorer and is not the greatest quality print due to the page being converted to an image then rotated.
==How to control print behavior behaviour when saving as a PDF==
To define a page break in a PDF add <pd4ml:page.break/> before the content you deem as the next page.
To change the orientation of a page to landscape in a PDF add <pd4ml:page.break pageFormat="rotate"> before the content you deem as the next page.
* See [[PDF Writer Custom Tags]] for further [[PDF]] formatting options

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