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Pandora Functions Descriptions

10 bytes added, 20:43, 26 August 2010
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==='''Session Level Functions'''===
These functions are used to enable a valid session in which process can be performed and once created, determine user and related organization organisation attributes.
Unless a function is established, no functionality is available.
|[[Pandora - Logout a User|session_logout(flag,callbackfunc)]]||Enables logout of the instance.
|[[Pandora - Verify If a Session Exists|session_islogin(flag,callbackfunc)]] || Enables retrieving of Retrieve active user information.
|[[Pandora - Current User’s Information|Session_getCurrentUser (Find)]] ||Enables retrieving Retrieve the current user information.
|[[Pandora - Retrieve Current User’s Organisational Information|Session_getCurrentCompany (Find)]] || Enables retrieving Retrieve the current user’s organisational information.
|[[Pandora - Locate an Organisation|company_find(flag,callbackfunc,fields,filter,order,start,end,prefix)]] ||Enables organisation search functions Search function to retrieve all organisations.
|[[Pandora - Locate a Contact/User|contact_find(flag,callbackfunc,fields,filter,order,start,end,prefix)]] ||Enables contact search functions can function to retrieve all contacts.
|[[Pandora - Find a Level 1 Contact|levelonecontact_find(flag,callback,appid,opportunityid,fields,filter,order,start,end,prefix)]]|| Enables Level 1 contact search.
|[[Pandora - Locate Find a UTA Level 1 EntityCompany|levelone_findlevelonecompany_find(flag,callbackfunccallback,appid,opportunityid,fields,filter,order,start,end,prefix)]] ||Enables access to Level 1 itemscompany search.
|[[Pandora - Locate a UTA Level 2 1 Entity|level23_findlevelone_find(flag,callbackfunc,appid,level,fields,filter,order,start,end,prefix)]]||Enables access to Level 2 items1 item search.
|[[Pandora - Locate a UTA Level 3 2 Entity|level23_find(flag,callbackfunc,appid,level,fields,filter,order,start,end,prefix)]]|| Enables access to Level 3 items I UTAs2 item search.
|[[Pandora - Locate a UTA Level 3 Entity|level23_find(flag,callbackfunc,appid,level,fields,filter,order,start,end,prefix)]]|| Level 3 item search.|-|[[Pandora - Locate a UTA Invoice Entity|invoice_find(flag,callbackfunc,appid,fields,filter,order,start,end,prefix)]]||Enables access to UTA invoice entitiessearch.
|[[Pandora - Locate a UTA Invoice Item|invoiceitem_find(flag,callbackfunc,appid,invoiceid, fields,filter,order,start,end,prefix)]]|| Enables access to UTA invoice items.

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