[hide]Configuring Global Settings
1. Go to Global Settings - Integrations - Integration Key Management.
2. Click on New Integration Key. You will be presented with the following fields:
- Key Type: set to DocuSign
- Integrator Key**:
- Secret Key**: unique secret code for the client (see below for a description of where these are found)
3. Back in SmartSimple, Click Save once both keys have been entered.
4. On the Integrations tab, look for the Online Signature Provider section, and select DocuSign. You will then need to click the button labeled "Activate DocuSign Access", and enter your DocuSign login credentials. Once you've saved, the text next to the button should read: DocuSign Access: Enabled.
5. Configure your Web Page View field and use the tags outlined below to incorporate DocuSign functions with your SmartSimple data. Make sure these two field options are enabled:
- Online Signature: This will enable a new button in the Web Page View called "Online Signature".
- Enable Save to Server: This will allow a copy of the signed PDF document to be saved within SmartSimple.
- You can also create an Upload field, if desired, in which to store the signed PDF file. Use the Store-To Value option in the Web Page View field to point to this additional field.
6. Make sure you've created a role for your Signees, and that the intended person is added as a Contact using this role. Your Web Page View field will need to contain list syntax that specifies the roleid; this is how SmartSimple knows to whom the e-signature request should be sent.
* for Integrator Key and Secret Keys, login to your DocuSign account, click on the "User" icon - go to Admin-->Integrations-->API and Keys (on left menu) - click on the Integrator Key and there you will be able to add new Secret keys.
Tip: Within the Web Page View window, you can click the Online Signature button to view the status of the current request once it's been sent.
DocuSign Account Set Up
To use DocuSign as a signature provider in SmartSimple, you will need to sign up with DocuSign for an account with API capabilities. DocuSign requires users to create a sandbox account (reference: in order to create an integration key for their DocuSign API integration. After you obtained an integration key from your DocuSign sandbox account, to complete the set up process, you will have to provide the Redirect URIs (see screenshots for additional information on the instructions) for the DocuSign - SmartSimple integration.
For the Redirect URIs:
1. Go to Global Settings - Integrations - Integration Key Management.
2. Click on New Integration Key. You will be presented with the following fields:
- Key Type: set to DocuSign
- Key name: set to DocuSign
3. Copy the Redirect URL
4. Use this URL for the DocuSign API account (when you are on DocuSign site to sign up for an API account)
Redirect URI must include your system's URL with /OAuthsp/callback2.jsp appended to the end as shown below:
Redirect URI Example:
DocuSign Tags
Use the below tags to configure the contact details and signing order for the signees.
Function | Tag Format | Example | Notes | |
Populate the email subject |
<!--SignatureEmailSubject Place Subject Here--> |
<!--SignatureEmailSubject @name@ Test Email Subject--> |
Include a variable here, such as the L1 name. | |
Populate the email body |
<!--SignatureEmailBody Place body text here.--> |
<!--SignatureEmailBody This is a test.--> |
Configure the DocuSign expiration date |
<!--SignatureExpiryDays Insert Numeric Value--> |
<!--SignatureExpiryDays 14--> |
After submission to Docusign, the document will expire after 14 days. Signees will not be able to access the document if it has gone unsigned at the time of expiry. | |
Configure the CC email list |
<!--SignatureCC email;Name,email2;Name2--> |
<!--SignatureCC;ABC Smith,;QA1--> |
Emails will be copied to the list of people included here. | |
Configure the email language |
<!--SignatureLocale Language Code--> |
<!--SignatureLocale en--> |
Sets the email language, such as en, fr, etc. | |
Configure the email flow for multiple signees |
<!--SignatureFlow Indicator--> |
<!--SignatureFlow P--> |
If you specify the signature flow as P (Parallel), emails will be sent to all signees at the same time.
If you specify the signature flow as S (Sequential), emails will be sent sequentially, for example: email will only be sent to the second signee after the first signee has completed signing the document, and so on. | |
Set the Signature Block location |
<!--SignatureBlock Anchor String--> |
<!--SignatureBlock Anchor String--> |
If you wish to have the Signature Block appear in the document in a fixed position then you must include SignatureBlock tag with anchor string defined and then, in the document itself, have a text string that matches the anchor string.
| |
Date Block |
<!--DateBlock AnchorString--> |
<!--DateBlock Date of Birth: --> |
Here the anchor string is "Date of Birth: "
DocuSign will find "Date of Birth: " in your HTML and requires the user to enter a date in the format of MM/DD/YYYY. | |
Date Signed |
<!--DateSigned AnchorString--> |
<!--DateSigned Signed On: --> |
Here the anchor string is "Signed On: "
DocuSign will find "Signed On: " in your HTML and place the Date of the signature beside it. | |
Set the location of the Initials Block |
<!--InitialsBlock InitialsAnchorString--> |
<!--InitialsBlock Your Initials:--> |
Here the anchor string is "Your Initials: "
DocuSign will find "Your Initials: " in your HTML and place the Initials Block below it. If the specified AnchorString is not found in the document, or if you do not include this tag in your HTML, signees will have the option to place their initials anywhere in the document. |
Use Dynamic Format |
<!--DynamicFormat 1--> |
<!--DynamicFormat 1--> |
Specify positions of different blocks dynamically and generate fillable PDF fields. For details, check section Generating Fillable PDF Forms for E-Signatures. |
Identity Verification
Some recipient/signer authentication methods are supported: ID verification, phone authentication, access code authentication, knowledge-based authentication (US residents only). To use this feature, clients will need to have the Identification Verification feature enabled in their DocuSign account. Log in to DocuSign account, under “Admin – Signing and Sending – Identity Verification”.
For ID verification and phone authentication, a DocuSign workflow has to be created.
For instructions:
Note: The actual verification is on DocuSign’s side, recipient will be presented with different options to verify their identity based on which verification or authentication method is configured for the recipient in the Web Page View custom field.
ID Verification
The client will need to create their Identity Verification Workflows on their own DocuSign account under “Admin – Signing and Sending – Identity Verification”. DocuSign has a list of verifying ID options for different regions (such as passport, driver license, bank ID, etc).
When creating a new ID Verification Workflow, there are different DocuSign settings to be configured.
Accepted IDs depend on different regions. You can review them by going to the Advanced settings of each of the ID verification workflow configuration pages.
When viewing each ID verification workflow, there is a Configuration ID for API integrations at the bottom of the screen. The client will need to provide this in their Web Page View field for each recipient. You can use different identification workflows for different recipients (Example: one using eID, one using phone, and one without the need to verify).
Phone Authentication
The client will need to create their Identity Verification Workflows on their own DocuSign account under “Admin – Signing and Sending – Identity Verification”. The phone number of recipient is required to be added in the WPV inside the verification syntax. DocuSign will use this number to send SMS or call the recipient for verification purpose.
Syntax to be applied to Web Page View
There is a new syntax for this identity verification starting with “Verification” where the syntax is delimited by a semicolon ( ; ).
ID Verification (IDV)
- Configuration ID for API integrations (workflow ID in the DocuSign Identify Verification)
<!--Verification;4ggg7cce-6c25-82e8-4444-8888d18947ef -->
Phone Authentication
- Configuration ID for API integrations (workflow ID in the DocuSign Identify Verification)
- phone=[country code]-[phone number without symbols] for each recipient
Since phone authentication also needs a workflow ID, the only way for us to differentiate is if you tell us this is for phone authentication with “phone=”. DocuSign requires separate values for country code and phone number.
Knowledge-Based Authentication (US residents only)
From DocuSign: Knowledge-based authentication requires recipients to answer detailed questions about themselves based on data available in public records (such as their current and former addresses). The DocuSign eSignature KBA feature uses an identity verification service from LexisNexis Risk Solutions that validates user identities in real time.
- ID Check (Enter the string exactly as ID Check. This is the syntax from DocuSign to differentiate this type of authentication)
<!--Verification;ID Check-->
Access Code Authentication
- accesscode (please enter the string exactly as accesscode)
- value=BQ908C (The text the user must enter when they are asked for the Access Code by DocuSign. For example, if a custom field value is used as the access code for recipients, include the value in the syntax.)
<!--Verification;accesscode;value=BQ908C -->
Note: If the workflow ID of the DocuSign Identification Verification is not found in client’s DocuSign account during submission of a signature request, DocuSign will return an error.
Reference for DocuSign ID Verification:
Generating Fillable PDF Forms for E-Signatures
Web Page Views can be configured with fillable forms and exported as a system-generated PDF for e-signatures. All fields have to be created form the WPV template HTML content with the specific syntax indicated above. For additional support, please see the following DocuSign guide and sample HTML file:
For DocuSign to retrieve signee emails, names etc, you will have to embed them in your HTML. They will then be used in the email sent to signees. For example:
[#(?object=contact;criteria=roleid='12527';orderby=firstname) <!--SignatureFlow P--><!--signature ~email~;SIGNER;~firstname~;~lastname~;~Index~;~companyname~-->#]
If you have 3 signees assigned to the Level 1, the HTML in your Web Page View will be embedded with the info for all three:
<!--signature;SIGNER;Tony;Test;1;SmartSimple Software --> <!--signature;SIGNER;Fake;Man;2;Fake Co. --> <!--signature;SIGNER;Fake2;Mann;3;Fake2 Co. -->