Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents

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  • This feature allows you to display extra information (called Meta Data) extracted from PDF files that are stored in Single File or Multiple Files field.
  • Only PDF files will display this information.
  • The additional attributes that can be extracted and displayed are:
Meta Data Field Name Field Code
Author author
Creator creator
Producer producer
Keywords keywords
Subject subject
Title title
Number of Pages numofpages
Creation Date creationdate
Modified Date modifieddate
Is Encrypted encrypted
Is Encrypted: Returns the word Encrypted if the document has the "Content Copying" or "Content Copying or Extraction" 
security restriction is in place. 
PDFs that are encrypted cannot be merged with a Web Page View (see Attach a PDF to a Web Page View)

There are two different ways of displaying additional file attributes for PDF documents, depending on whether the PDF document(s) are stored in a Single File field or Multiple Files field.

Single File Fields

@Field Name. 
Label [field code] 
  • Where Field Name is that name of the Single File field that contains the PDF document.
  • You can use html to format the output:

Note: if you wish to use the value (ie: numofpages) as part of Submit Logic or a Browser Script you must use a Store Values - System Variables field type.


Some techniques on validating PDF file attributes such as the number of pages are described in Validating File Attributes.

Multiple File Fields

  • To include the above attributes in the list view of documents stored in a Multiple Files field use the Extra Columns section when you create the Multiple Files field:


  • In the Extra Columns field enter the desired column headings (separated by commas), followed by two colons, followed by the field codes from above (again separated by commas)
  • Note: be sure there are no spaces between the field codes, just a comma.
  • These attributes will only be displayed for PDF documents. They will be left blank for all non-PDF documents.


Pull an upload date and time from an upload fields

For Multiple Files Storage field you can use the below syntax:



  • These additional fields are embedded properties of the file. Accordingly the Modified Date and Creation Date will be displayed in the format in which they are stored in the file, and will not necessarily reflect the format you have selected for Date and Time display in your Personal Settings.

See Also