
Record Page

13 bytes added, 15:50, 15 July 2021
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===Setting Up Custom Fields===
: ''Main Article: [[Custom Fields – General Information]]''
[image goes here]
=Configuration - Advanced=
===Submit & Save Buttons===
: ''Main Article: [[Submit & Save Buttons|Submit & Save Buttons]]''
Submit & Save buttons are used to perform custom actions upon each record such as saving a record, changing the status, validate input, or add annotations. Like custom fields, submit and save buttons can also be customized to be active only for certain roles, statuses, or record categories. To access the settings of any individual custom field, navigate to the following:
Users - Global Settings > Users tab > General Settings section > Submit & Save Buttons
===Record Layout Custom Fields===
: ''Main Articles: [[Custom Field Type: Layout - Title Bar]], ''[[Custom Field Type: Layout - Tabbed Section|''Custom Field Type: Layout - Tabbed Sectio''n]]
Title Bars and Tabbed Sections help organize your records page by grouping together similar custom fields. A title bar separates related content on the same records page. A tabbed section moves blocks of related content onto a separate tab. The placement of custom fields can be controlled through the Display Order. 
===Display Text===
The Display Text options help you determine how the custom field should be displayed to the user. Caption Location allows you to put the field label name either above, to the right, or the left of the input as well as hiding it altogether. You can also add additional instructions to display to the user if desired. Placeholder text will be greyed out text that pre-populates the input field. This can be useful to showing examples or hinting at the desired input format. Additionally, you also have the ability to add tooltip text. Filling out this section with helpful contextual information will make a small question mark icon appear to the right of the input form. When the user hovers over this icon, you tooltip text will appear. 
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Options within the validation section allow you to mark this custom field as mandatory or add custom validation to ensure the user’s input follows certain parameters. For example, a date of birth custom field may have additional custom validation to ensure the user’s input is a date that is in the past or is limited to a certain range of years. You can also choose what message to display to the user if they fail this validation check. 
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===Feature Options===
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This section contains any additional features that can be enabled on the custom field. These features vary depending on the custom field type. For example, the Text Box - Single Line and Text Box - Multiple Lines contains a feature option for enabling hashtags as part of the user input. 
===Value Storage======SmartFields===
Main Article: SmartField View
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===Visibility Condition===
Main Article: Visibility Condition
This section allows you to use additional logical statements to determine whether or not a field is visible. Common visibility condition statements are based on roles, types, statuses, and even field values.'''Bold text'''