Previous Upgrade: April 2nd 2009

Revision as of 17:47, 28 September 2010 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 17:47, 28 September 2010 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

The following features were implemented as part of the upgrade cycle which commenced on April 2nd 2009

Click on any heading to go to the associated Wiki article for detailed information


Security Enhancements

We have enhanced the password security features to bring them in line with current corporate standards.

Password Expiration

  • You can now set a system-wide password expiration number of days. Each user will be forced to change their password once that number of days has passed.

Password History

  • You can set the number of previous passwords (to a maximum of 32) that the system will remember for each user. When changing their password, users will not be permitted to re-use a previous password until the specified number of unique passwords has been used.

Document Management

Document Management is of high interest to our client community and though we do not position SmartSimple as a Document Management System we continue to enhance the system's abilities to create, store and manage documents. This month we are adding the ability to create and populate MS Word documents dynamically as well as significant enhancements to the current PDF document management features.

MS Word Merge Custom Field

  • This new Custom Field type provides the ability to dynamically create an MS Word document from underlying SmartSimple data.
  • The MS Word document can also include tables that will list details of Level 2 or Level 3 activities associated with a given record.
  • The SmartDoc for MS Word Template also allows you to easily upload the resulting MS Word document back to SmartSimple to be stored in a specified Single or Multiple file field.

Allow Merging of PDF Documents

  • If you are using a Multiple File field to store PDF documents then you can enable a "Merge" button.
  • Clicking the Merge button displays a list of all the PDFs document stored in the Multiple File field and you select which documents you wish to merge into a single PDF document.
  • The resultant document will also be stored in the Multiple File field. The original documents will not be changed.
  • This feature will provide for easier printing of "sets" of documents.

Multiple File Field: Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents

  • This feature allows you to display extra information (called Meta Data) extracted from each PDF file stored in a Multiple File field, and display it as extra columns in the list view.
  • The additional attributes that can be extracted and displayed are: author, creator, producer, keywords, subject, title, number of pages, creation date and modified date.
  • Only PDF files stored in the Multiple File field will display this information. The added columns will be blank for all other document types.

Single File Field: Display Additional File Attributes for PDF Documents

  • This feature allows you to extract extra information (called Meta Data) from a PDF stored in a Single File field and store it in a Read Only - System Variables field.
  • The additional attributes that can be extracted and displayed are: author, creator, producer, keywords, subject, title, number of pages, creation date and modified date.
  • Only PDF files stored in a Single File field will display this information.

UTA Enhancements

Standard Field Visibility Control

  • You can now set visibility logic on standard fields at all levels in the same manner that you set these conditions on custom fields.
  • To set the visibility logic, navigate to the appropriate tandard field screen and enter the condition into the Visibility Condition column.

Level 1: Tabs for Contact and Account Lists

  • If you associate a large number of contacts or accounts (companies) with Level 1 items, you can now display different users based on roles on different tabs (and different accounts based on account roles on different tabs).
  • You can access the feature within the UTA Settings tab - Contact Tabs and Account Tabs hyperlinks in the Level 1 Settings section. You can associate as many tab names to roles as required. Tabs can also be deleted through the same screen.

Level 1: UTA Contact and Account Filters

  • You can define who can see which contacts and accounts (companies) at Level 1 based on role membership. To implement these features, navigate to Settings > Application Configuration and within the Security Settings panel, select the check boxes beside Enable UTA Contact Filter and Enable UTA Account Filter.
  • Once the feature has been enabled for either Contacts or Accounts, the UTA Contact Filters and/or UTA Account filters hyperlinks are available under the UTA's Settings tab - Settings panel.
  • You can now configure visibility of the contacts/accounts associated with a Level 1 based on User Roles and Account Roles.

Level 1: Contact Restrictions

  • You can now restrict the number of contacts belonging to a given Role that can be associated with a Level 1 record.
  • This can also be used to restrict the total number of contacts that can be assigned to a Level 1 record.
  • You can also restrict the number of times a given user can be assigned to a Level 1 record, or the number of times a given user can be assigned to the record with a given Role.
  • To access this feature, click on the Contact Restrictions hyperlink on the UTA Settings tab.

Level 2: Multiple Contact List

If you enable the Use Multiple Contact List checkbox on the Settings > Application Configuration screen you will be able to associate and control contact associations in a similar manner to Level 1 contacts.

Level 2: Multiple Account List

If you enable the Use Multiple Account List checkbox on the Settings > Application Configuration screen you will be able to associate and control account associations in a similar manner to Level 1 contacts.

Level 2: Role Filtering

You can restrict the selection of contacts that can be associated with Level 2 items by role. Previously you could only restrict by specified named contacts. An additional lookup text area has been added the bottom of the Level 2 Types Settings page to specify the roles.

Disabling Specific Transaction Types by Template

  • You can now restrict the types of transactions available for each Level 1 template type.
  • If Level 1 Transactions are in use, within the Settings tab > Application Configuration, when you select one of the Level 1 templates, the Disabled Transaction Type section of check boxes will appear. One or many Transaction Types can be disabled per Level 1 Template.

Level 3 Template Formulas

You can now associate template formulas with Level 3 items in the same manner as Level 2 and Level 1 items.