Including XML on an MS Word Merge Document

Revision as of 12:07, 11 June 2012 by Bob (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 12:07, 11 June 2012 by Bob (talk | contribs)

This article explain how to use the data stored within SmartSimple XML field on a Word Merge document.

XML data can be displayed on a Word Merge as either a single value or table.

General Procedure

For single values use: project_budget=@xml.Submission;

To display data in a table (dynamic number of rows) use the same syntax as used on a web page view (Custom_Field_Type:_Special_-_XML_Data) and delimit the cells using pipes "|". Note that there is a | at the beginning and end of the row.


table_5=@xml.Submission Budget.Other-Grants.Funders[#|~Funder.nodevalue~|~currency(Amount.nodevalue)~|#]@;

This example would render in a table with two columns. to specify the table use: "table_x =" where x is the table number as it appears in the template document. In the example above it's the fifth table in the document. Each XML section must be displayed in a separate table.

See Also