Configuring UTA Provider/Receiver (Consumer) Relationships

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UTA Provider/Consumer Relationships allows for the sharing of data between different UTAs.

Both the level ones and level twos can be used in this Provider/Consumer relationship.

Enable Provider UTA:

1. Click on the Settings tab in your UTA.

2. Click on the General tab.

3. Scroll down to the Connectivity Settings section.

4. Populate check-box adjacent to Enable UTA Connection as Provider - UTAs can be linked to Other UTAs.


5. Click Save.

Enable Consumer UTA:

1. Click on the Settings tab.

2. Click on the General tab.

3. Scroll down to the Connectivity Settings section.

4. Populate check-box adjacent to Enable UTA Connection as Receiver - UTAs can be linked to Other UTAs.


3. Enable the Standard Field UTA Providers

4. Go back to the Provider UTA, to the Settings page, under Level 1 settings go to UTA Connection Settings and link the consumer UTA to the provider UTA based upon the status(es), template(s) and the ID field required (this will probably be the Level 1 name of the Provider UTA).

5. In the Consumer UTA, go to a Level 1 Entity, and you should have a section below Contacts where you can select a Level 1 from the Provider UTA.

See Also