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Custom Field Type: Address Lookup

929 bytes added, 23:09, 2 February 2009
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A new field type called "Address validation" has been added. It displays two buttons, 'Lookup' (for validating / lookup address) and 'Map' (for online mapping service like Google or Map quest), for [[User|user]] interaction.

To enable this field type:

1. Create [[Custom Fields|custom fields]] of the type [[Custom Field Type (30): Text – Single Line|Text Box - Single Line]] Address, City, Province, Country and Postal Code.

2. Create another [[Custom Field|custom field]] of the type 'Address validation'.

3. In the Values box of the Address Validation field, enter the [[Custom Field|custom field]] IDs of address, city, country, province and postal code created above in either of the following sequence:

address, city, province, postal code


address, city, province, country, postal code

4. Specify the Lookup Source. Like, Assigned or Contacts.

[[Category:Custom Fields]][[Category:Enhancements]]

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