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1,503 bytes added, 15:00, 31 January 2022
Service Packs
==Service Packs==
===February 11th 2021 (202202.01)===
* Fixed an issue where records were staying locked even though the user was no longer editing the record.
<!-- 132761 - Record Lock issue -->
* Updated the '''History''' tab on Workflow record pages to display historical items more than 2 years old in a new tab called '''Archive'''.
<!-- 132962 - Workflow History incomplete -->
* Updated the '''Text Box - Multiple Line''' custom field to only convert line break characters into HTML break tags in form fields to preserve line breaks in scenarios such as when variables are processed in a Word Merge.
<!-- 133059 - Field Type: Text Box - Multiple Line -->
* Updated report query API calls to display a maximum of 10,000 records per call.
<!-- 132607 - API 10,000 Record Limit Question -->
* Updated the behavior of new consumer record creation to redirect the user back to the parent record when creating a publication from a consumer UTA.
<!-- 132966 - After creation of new consumer, screen is not redirect back to the consumerL1. -->
* Updated security matrixes to prompt users when a change is made. The reason for the change must be entered before the update will take effect. By default, an email will also be sent to all '''System Administrators''' notifying them of the change. You can adjust who receives the notification email by going to '''Global Settings''' > '''Security''' > '''Security Matrix Updates - Users to Notify'''.
<!-- 129533 - Additional Audit on Security Matrix -->
===December 13th 2021 (202111.05)===
<!--For 133206 - Uploads issues via Special - Question Set Builder -->
===December 9th 2021 (202111.04)===

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