SmartFolders Overview

Revision as of 12:14, 22 April 2008 by Julia Decker (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 12:14, 22 April 2008 by Julia Decker (talk | contribs)



SmartFolders provide on-line storage for files, in a secure central location, that is accessible from any computer with Internet access.

SmartFolders have the following features:

Permissioned Access

  • User access to each SmartFolders can be limited to any company or role on a read only or read/write basis.
  • You can create secure folders that are shared with their clients providing for collaboration on specific projects or for secure file transfer.

File Check out/Check in Feature

  • You can check out a file and the file will be read only until you check it back into the system.
  • If you share a folder with another company you can ensure that two people are not working on the same file at the same time.

Workflow Driven

  • Each folder can have a workflow attached. This workflow will trigger when a file is added to the folder.
  • Attaching a workflow to a folder is very useful if you want to get an alert whenever a file is added or changed.

Internet Enabled

  • Folders can be flagged as Internet enabled to allow for global access external to the folder contents without the need to log into SmartSimple.
  • You can also use this feature to "publish" documents such as PDF files to the Internet.

External Notes

  • Folders and files can have notes attached – independent of the content of the file itself.
  • This feature allows for annotation of files that could not be annotated otherwise, such as images.

Email File

  • You can email any file to any contact from the SmartFolder.

New Folder and File Flag

  • When a new file is added it is flagged with the “new” flag for all users. Once a specific user has reviewed the item the flag is removed for that user.

Folder Size Limitation

  • Any number of folders can be created and any number of files uploaded to these folders - subject to the limitation of your SmartFolder subscription.

If you need more space use the Global Settings page to increase the space available.