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Display & Formatting

The Display & Formatting section of Custom Fields are found by scrolling down the first tab of General Settings when you edit a Custom Field.

Custom fields display and formatting.png
Option Description
Caption Location 

Determines the positioning and visibility of the caption relative to the field. Options include: Left of Field, Above Field, No Caption, Hide Caption.

Instructions Text input here displays under the caption. Even if a caption has Hide Caption enabled, any defined instructions will continue to be displayed above the input.
Placeholder Text

Text input here displays within the text box as placeholder text that will disappear once the user clicks into the field to enter content.

  • Note: this function is different from Default Text, as Placeholder text will not create content to be stored within the field.
Tool Tip When the user hovers their mouse pointer over the question mark next to a field, the text in this section will appear.
Classify as Personal Data For use in identifying personal data.
SmartField View Include or exclude this field from SmartField View (@SmartFields@) or only display this field for SmartField Views. See SmartField View for further details.
SmartFields PDF Formatting PDF formatting option when rendered from SmartField View.
Width / Max Width Width of input box - options include Full, Large, Medium, Small. 
Number of Columns Determines the number of columns to be used for display purposes.
Align Control the justification of the text within the field - Left, Center, Right. 
Number Format Control the format of the data when the field is displayed in View mode - for example, Comma, Currency, or Percent.
Number Precision Control the precision of the numerical amount displayed - for example, Whole Number, number of Decimals, or Nearest Ten. 
Thumbnail Width Determines the width of the image's thumbnail, in pixels.
Thumbnail Height Determines the height of the image's thumbnail, in pixels.
Sort Order Sets the sorting order for files uploaded to the field. Choices are: file name, file size and upload date.
Stroke Colour Allows you to set the color of the stroke.
Button Label Specify what a custom button will be called.
Apply Format in Edit Mode Carry over the field data formatting in Edit mode.
Fixed Column Widths Establishes a uniform width, if multiple columns are specified. Used with Layout fields.