
Steps Required to Synchronize Companies and Contacts

21 bytes added, 21:34, 19 October 2017
The following steps need to be followed in order to implement this feature.
* Establish a common [[Role|role]] for contacts and a category for companies that will be used to pass [[Custom Field|custom field]] data between instances. Each The name of the [[InstanceRole|instancerole]] should use and category used must be the same in each [[RoleInstance|roleinstance]] and category.
* Activate the '''Object Sync Feature''' in each [[Instance|instance]] through the [[Global Settings]] page.
* The details of the other [[Instance|instance]] details for each copy must be added to the other instanceboth instances.
* An encryption key must be generated for each organisation that exchanges data.
* Securely pass the encryption key to the appropriate organisation.
[[Category:Object SynchronizationObjectSync]]
Smartstaff, administrator