
Custom Field Type: Select One – Combo Box

1,212 bytes removed, 18:23, 4 September 2018
<u>'''#REDIRECT [[Custom Field Display'''</u> Type: Select One - Dropdown List]]
==General Description==Displays as a set of values in a combo box. The [[User|user]] can select a single value. The size of scrolling window is controlled by the '''Edit ModeHeight Setting'''.
'''View Mode'''
[[Image:Cf55.png]] <u>'''General Description'''</u> ==Field Display==
Displays as a set of values in a combo box. The [[User|userImage:cf_socb_ex1.png]] can select a single value. The size of scrolling window is controlled by the <br />'' '''Height SettingSelect One - Combo Box'''. <u>field, in '''Edit Mode''Field Options'(above)'' <br /u>
* '''Display Order''': The order (relative to other fields) in which this field is displayed
* '''Tab Name''': Displays the field under a given tab
* '''Field Name''': The name of the field, used internally to reference the user's input
* '''[[Caption]]''': The leading question or prologue before the field
* '''Allow Empty''': This check box allows the field to be left empty ('''Important''': see [[#Notes|below]])
* '''Searchable''': This field can be searched within the tracking application
* '''Track Changes''': Keeps track of changes made to this field
<u>'''Special Options for Field'''</u>
'''Values''': The values to be used within the combo box, delimited by a semi-colon with no spaces.
[[Image:cf_socb_ex2.png]]<br />'''Note:''Select One - Combo Box''' If you want the value stored in the field to be different than what is displayed in the combo box you can use the following syntax , in the '''ValuesView Mode''' section: (above)''StoreValue1=DisplayValue1;StoreValue2=DisplayValue2;StoreValue3=DisplayValue3;<br />
The value '''before''' the equal sign will be stored. The value '''after''' the equal sign is what will be displayed in the combo box, but does not get saved.
[[Image:cf_socb_ex3.png]]<br />
'' Setting the values for the '''Select One - Combo Box''' field, in '''General Settings''' (above)''
* '''Enable Map Service''': displays the map icon next to the field name that will launch the user’s selected map service and display a map of the content of the field
* '''Enable People Search Service''': displays the search Internet icon next to the field name that will launch a variety of search services and display the contact details from those services
* '''Enable Organization Search Service''': displays the search Internet icon next to the field name that will launch a variety of search services and display the organisations details from those services
<u>'''Field Validation'''</u>
* '''Type''': Select Date, Numeric, or Alphabetic validation{{FieldOptions}}* '''JavaScript Validation''': Here can be entered any specific JavaScript validation for this field* '''[[Validation Message|Message]]''': Message the user will see if entry fails validation check{{ParentField}}
<u>* '''Value Stores ToValues'''</u>: The values to be used for each check box delimited by a semi-colon with no spaces{{ToolTip}}{{HideFieldForNewRecord}}{{SmartFieldView}}
* '''Custom Field''': Enables linking two different custom fields to the same user data
<u>'''Field Formatting Options'''</u>
* '''Width''': Determines the width of the field{{OptionsTab}}* '''Number Format''': Formats any numbers entered into this field{{AllowEmpty}}* '''Style''': '''Bold''', <u>Underline</u>, ''Italic'', <font color="red">Highlight</font> {{AppearMandatory}}* '''[[Tool Tip]]''': Enter help text to be shown on mouse-over{{Searchable}}* '''Read Only''': Checkbox{{TrackChanges}}* '''HTML Tag''': Additional attributes to the field HTML tag{{EnableMultipleSelect}}* '''[[Custom Fields – Detailed Descriptions#Visibility Condition|Visibility Condition]]''': Conditions upon which the field is visible{{ShowDisplayValueInListViews}}{{ShowAsRadioButtons}}{{EnableKML}}{{DisableQuickEdit}}{{DisableFromGlobalSearch}}
<u>'''Role - Field Permissions'''</u>
These [[Custom Fields UTA Status Permissions|fields]] allow {{Validation}}  {{Formatting}}{{CaptionStyle}} * '''Width''': Enables the user to set the width of the Lookup field in pixels{{CustomHTMLTag}}   ==Value Storage=={{ValueStoresTo}}  {{CFPermissionsTab}}   ==Configuration Best Practices=={{CFComboBoxBP}}   ==Referencing the Value==: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@''fieldname''@''' </span>: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@''fieldname''.combovalue@''' </span>or: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@#''fieldid''#@''' </span>: <span style="font-size: medium;">'''@#''fieldid''.combovalue#@''' </span>When trying to reference the values of this custom field type, you to control who must use '''@fieldname@''' or '''@fieldname.combovalue@''', depending on how the field is allowed and who setup. Typically, you can use @fieldname@ but there is denied viewing and/a special case where you must use @fieldname.combovalue@ when the values in the combo box are 1=Yes;2=No;3=Maybe.Using @fieldname@ will return the Yes, No, or Maybe. But using @fieldname.combovalue@ will return 1, 2, or modifying 3. Using @''fieldname''.value@ will display the full HTML of the field; in other words, a dropdown box containing the values of the fieldwill be displayed.<!-- ssRetiredOption ssRetiredOptions -->
Because * The first value listed will be the default value in this field are restricted to the semi-colon delimited list in the '''Values''' field, the '''Allow Empty''' field has when a slightly different behaviour than usual:new record is created.* If '''Allow Empty''' This technique is checked, the first item listed in the important when translating to other languages. The '''ValuesStoreValue''' list will must be the default value same in all languages. See [[Custom Field Language Settings|here]] for the fieldfurther information.
* If '''Allow Empty''' is not checked, the [[User|user]] cannot save the form without selecting a value other than the first item in the list. The first item should be either a space followed by a semi-colon (if you want the field to start out blank) or an instruction to the user such as -----Select One-----; Please choose; or similar.{{AllowEmptyDescription}}
==See Also==
* [[Custom Field Language Settings]]
[[Category:Custom Fields]]{{CustomFieldPageFooter}}