
Invoice Module Variables

670 bytes added, 22:01, 20 March 2009
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The following variables can be used when creating a [[Web Page View Field|Web Page View]] to generate an Invoice using the [[Invoice UTA|Invoicing Module]]:
==General==* ==Invoice Line Items==
Invoice Items refers to the Level 2 or Level 3 items to be billed.
*Item Tax: ~tax~
*Item Tax 2: ~tax2~
Also, ~fullamount~ is used to display the result of multiplying Quantity and Amount
If you wish the Invoice Line Items to include fields other than the standard fields (which are Item Detail, Quantity, Amount, Tax1 and Tax2):
* Create a [[Custom Field Type (111): Store Values – System Variables|Store Value - System Variables]] field in the “Invoice Item Custom Fields” section of Application Configuration which refers to the field name of the Level 2 or 3 field (example: @Produce Code@).
** Hint: You can use the same name for this field (ie: Create a field called ''Product Code'' which stores a System Variable called ''@Product Code@'')
==Invoice Totals==
* @amount@: This is the subtotal, also know as the invoice total before tax (the sum of all ~fullamount~ amounts)
* @tax@: Total tax 1 on the invoice (the sum of all the ~tax~ amounts)
* @tax2@: Total tax 2 on the invoice (the sum of all the ~tax2~ amounts)
* @invtotal@: this is the total amount of the invoice, including both taxes.
* @invnumber@: this is used to refer to the invoice number if you are using auto-numbering (which can be configured on the Application Configuration page.)
The following is a example that would be used on the Web Page View to create a table listing all the items for the invoice, as well as the SubTotal, Total GST, PST and Invoice Total:
<td>Product Code</td>
<td>Item Description</td>
<td>$Product Code$</td>
<td> ~qty~ </td>