
ORCID Reviewer Attribution Integration

1,440 bytes added, 29 July
Connection Setup
====Connection Setup====
# Go to the UTA settings page where you have created all attribution fields# Go to '''Settings''' > '''Connectivity''' > '''ORCID Funding Peer Review Field Mapping'''.
[[File:ORCID_Peer_Review_Field_Mapping_2.png|thumb|center|600px|ORCID Peer Review Field Mapping]]
Not all fields are mandatory This mapping page is part of an integration designed to completeallow research clients to give public recognition to researchers who have contributed to peer review activities. Research organizations can utilize this integration to post details of a researcher's participation in peer reviews to their ORCID profile. If the owner of a Level 2 peer review has their ORCID profile authorized in the system, the peer review activity will be added to their ORCID profile under the peer review section. The peer review section does not appear on an ORCID profile until an organization has added at least one peer review activity. Information is published to ORCID using a workflow object (with the '''Type''' set to "Tracking Activities") and a '''Task Type''' called "Push Peer Review Data to User ORCID Profile".
Mandatory fields are described below'''Note:''' Each review activity combines three elements: information about the reviewer, information about the organization sponsoring (or convening) the review, and information about the review. Peer reviews may be removed from a user's profile using the workflow '''Task Type''' called "Delete Peer Review Data from Users ORCID Profile".
To learn more about ORCID, visit []. To learn more about peer reviews in ORCID, visit [].
{| class="wikitable"
||'''Funding type'''Reviewer Role||Matches ORCID valuesUse this field to indicate the role the individual assumed during the peer review process.<br />Field We recommend mapping to a Level 2 custom field with the following permitted values should be limited to: award"chair", contract"editor", grant"member", salary-award"organizer", "reviewer".|-}{| class="wikitable"
||'''Title of funded project'''