
+AI Insights

117 bytes removed, 3 May
Use Cases
=Use Cases=
===Use Case: Report Reporting with +AI Insights===You can easily use''' +AI Insights''' instead Instead of having to set setting up a separate '''Report'''. For examplereport, below here are a list some examples of questions you could ask '''+AI Insight''': * Make a list of the top ten funding recipientsby amount * Which applications with a status of “Review” have been submitted within the last 30 days?
* How many applications had their status set to “Declined” this month? Make a 200 word summary of why they were declined.
* Using all the applications that have their status set to “Approved” this month, write a summary of why they were approved.
===Use Case: Compare/Contrast Application Submissions===
As an example, let’s use the '''+AI Insights''' to help reviewers compare and contrast application summaries on a grants manager (or similar submission tracking application). Unlike the '''[[Work with +AI]]''' feature (ideally suited for external users) that can help you on the individual record page, '''+AI Insights''' can aggregate, summarize, and review data across multiple records.
If we have multiple records in our grants manager with each record containing a text summary of their video applications, we can ask '''+AI Insights''' to compare and contrast these application summaries to help us in our decision-making process.
# Go to the UTA list view.
# Select the '''+AI Insights''' button in the top action bar to select and launch your desired '''+AI Insight''' model.
# In the chat window, ask '''+AI Insight''' to analyze the records in bulk. For example, you could ask the AI to compare/and contrast the text transcripts of two video applications and make a recommendation based on how well the text transcript meets program objectives.
<u>'''Note:'''</u> If your submission process includes media files, you can use other AI features to automatically generate summaries of the media contents as soon as they are uploaded. To find out more, read about using see '''[[+AI Vision]]''' and '''[[+AI Transcription]]'''.
===Surface +AI Insights on Portal Pages===