

17 bytes removed, 21:02, 27 October 2021
Updated Visibility of Features Under the Menu for Global Administrators
====Updated Visibility of Features Under the Menu for Global Administrators====
Updated what features appear to '''Global Administrators''' under the menu icon located at the top right of the header. '''Global Administrators''' previously saw features like “Organization Hierarchy” '''Organization Hierarchy''' and “Email Broadcast” '''Email Broadcast''' automatically under the menu icon, regardless of the menu role permissions set for these features. To ensure your '''Global Administrators''' have a seamless experience after the upgrade we suggest you adjust your settings to give '''Global Administrators''' menu access to the features they use prior to the upgrade.
For example, to ensure '''Global Administrators''' can see the “Organization Hierarchy” '''Organization Hierarchy''' go to '''Menu Icon''' > '''Global Settings''' > '''Security''' > '''System Feature Permission''' > '''Menu''''''Bold text''' tab and add the desired roles to '''Organization Hierarchy - Menu Access'''. An easy way to adjust these settings is to go to '''Role Based Entry Mode'''. Then click the desired role and check off what you wish to see and save.
'''Note:''' Some features have two settings: one for the visibility of the feature under the menu (found under the '''Menu''' tab) and another for access to the feature (found under the '''Feature''' tab).