
Organization hierarchy

59 bytes added, 20:42, 26 October 2021
How to Create an Organization Hierarchy
The first tab of your organization hierarchy lists [[internal]] contacts, while the second tab lists [[external]] contacts. In the below example, the internal hierarchy is titled '''Branch''' and the external hierarchy is titled '''Organization'''. The [[Organization Terminology|organization terminology]] is variable depending on the SmartSimple instance; however, the [[The Root Company|root organization]] will always appear first on both the internal and external lists. 
===How to To Create an A New Internal Branch In The Organization Hierarchy===With every instance of SmartSimple, the root organization will already be listed underneath the internal and external hierarchies of the organization hierarchy. To add to the organization hierarchy, the same technique is always used when creating a new internal organization:
1. Click the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page..
4. Click the '''New '''button, then select '''Organization. '''
'''* Note: '''The [[Organization Terminology|nomenclature]] for your SmartSimple [[instance]] may be different. For example, '''Organization '''may instead be labelled labelled Institution'''Branch. '''
5. The '''Quick Entry for Duplicate Check '''window is displayed. 
6. Click the '''Submit''' button.
7. If there are no duplicates, you will be prompted to select the the [[Company category |category]] or categories that your new organization falls under. Click '''Next''' when you are done.
::: [[File:Step 2 of org.png|790px|border]]
You may return to your organization hierarchy in order to confirm that your new organization has been added appropriately - that it is correctly placed either on the internal or external hierarchy, and that it correctly falls under its parent organization.
:* '''Tip: '''[[External]] organizations can be created as structural placeholders, rather than functional organizations. For example, an external organization called '''Individual Applicants '''would allow individual users to register if they are working independently, or are not directly affiliated with an organization. 
===Standard Organization Fields===