
Autoloader File Preparation

384 bytes added, 19:49, 25 July 2019
An Autoloader Constant can be defined to update your autoloaded records to a single, constant value. As above, it is straightforward to create a single upload file with the same value in each row for a column. But when dealing with multiple uploads that do not already contain a constant value, or automatically-uploaded files, using the Autoloader Constant is the recommended method.
An Autoloader Constant can ===Syntax===: [column number to be defined to update your autoloaded records to a single, replaced]=constant value. As above, it is straightforward to create a single upload file with the same value in each row for a column. But when dealing with multiple uploads that do not already contain a constant value, ''or automatically-uploaded files, using the Autoloader Constant is the recommended method. To populate your uploaded records with a constant value, simply indicate the '' [column number of the destination field followed by the equals sign and your constant value. Example: to be replaced]=~ ''4=12345(for autonumber increments)''.
The Autoloader Constant : Multiple Merge Controls can also be used to increment an [[autonumber]] field for each uploaded record. For example, if in the second column mapping in your same autoloader has an autonumber field selected as its destination, enter separated by double semicolons. Example: ''2=~;;4=12345'' into the ''Constant'' section of the Autoloader settings.
Multiple Merge Controls can be used in ===Constant value===To populate your uploaded records with a constant value, simply indicate the same autoloader, separated column number of the destination field followed by double semicolonsthe equals sign and your constant value. Example: ''2=~;;4=12345''.
===SyntaxAutonumber===The Autoloader Constant can also be used to increment an [[autonumber]] field for each uploaded record. For example, if the second column mapping in your autoloader has an autonumber field selected as its destination, enter ''2=~'' into the ''Constant'' section of the Autoloader settings.
===Current Date===<!--Ticket#88969 - Autoloader enhancement for HR Feed-->* <span style="color:[#ff0000;">Available after November 2019 upgrade.</span>To populate your uploaded records with the current date, simply indicate the column number to be replaced]=constant value ''orof the destination field followed by the equals sign and the current date. Example: '' [column number to be replaced]5=~ ''now(for autonumber increments)''.
==Resulting Files==