==Mapping between Fiscal Year Budget L1 and Funding Category L2 for Allocations==
Specify The Payment Allocation Mapping section also allows the specification of the fields in budget manager that the system updates when allocation record is created. Key piece of information about this feature is that the L2 funding category shows funding earmarked for allocation from that fund, and the L1 budget shows the total funds earmarked for all of the funding categories.
[[Image:Budget fieldsKey piece of information about this feature is that the L2 funding category shows funding earmarked for allocation from that fund, and the L1 budget shows the total funds earmarked for all of the funding categories.jpg|500px|link=]]
For ''Amount:'' set this to Budget Manager Total Adjusted Amount The L2 funding category fields and the L1 budget fields are grouped by fieldtypes (e.g.<br />For ''Amount, Available, Tentative:'' set this to Budget Manager Total Pending Allocation field, Committed, Paid).<br />For ''Some of these section (i.e. Tentative, Committed:'' set this , Paid) include a Status Lookup option, allowing the client to Budget Manager Total Obligated Allocation fieldspecify the status of Payments that should contribute to these totals. <br />For ''Available'' set this There is also an "Additional Field Mappings" section at the bottom of the page to Budget Manager Total Un Obligated Allocation fieldallow adding any number of additional fields in the same format, including appropriate Payment statuses.<br />Hit ''Save''This allows clients to have more granular totals meet their own individual needs.<br/>
[[Image:Funding fields.jpg|500px|link=]]
[[Image:Budget fields2017.png|500px|link=]]For ''Amount:Field Mappings'' set this Budget Field to Budget Manager Total Adjusted Amount field and Fund Field to Budget Manager Adjusted Amount field.<br />For ''Tentative:Available Field Mappings '' set this Budget Manager Total Unobligated Allocation field and Fund Field to Budget Manager Pending Unobligated Allocation Amount field.<br />For ''Committed:Tentative Field Mappings '' set this Budget Field to Budget Manager Total Pending Allocation field and Fund Field to Budget Manager Obligated Pending Allocation Amount field. <br />For ''AvailableCommitted Field Mappings '' set this Budget Field to Budget Manager Unobligated Total Obligated Allocation field and Fund Field to Budget Manager Obligated Allocation Amount field.<br />Hit For ''SaveAvailable Field Mappings ''set Budget Field to Budget Manager Total Adjusted Amount field and Fund Field to Budget Manager Adjusted Amount field.<br />
For Additional Field Mappings click on the '''Add More Fields''' option to display the Budget Field, Fund Field and Payment Activity Status options.
Hit ''Save''.<br/>
==Mapping Disbursement Status==