
UTA Settings - Security

413 bytes added, 17:22, 28 June 2013
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* '''Security Matrix - Defines how users can interact with each level of the data, based on the way they need to interact with the data''' - See [[Security Matrix]] for configuration instructions.
* '''Enable Security Matrix - Click to specify advanced access control setting to grants and activities''' - Selecting this setting enables the link to the Security Matrix (above).
* '''Enable Application Scope Access - Define specific user access''' - Allows assignment of designated role to a user if branch or company of a Level 1 instance is in the list. See [[Application Scope Access]] for details.* '''Enable Email Role Restriction - Users can only email those who their role allows''' - Allows system administrators to set up a matrix of which roles can send emails to which other roles through SmartSimple. See [[Email restriction]] page for details.
* '''Enforce Roles That Can Set Status - Prevents scripts or submit buttons from overriding the Status setting''' -
* '''Enable UTA Organization Filter - Use UTA organizations visibility is controlled by UTA roles''' -Contacts available to be selected in the Level 1 Owner standard field can be restricted by role.* '''Default Contact Lookups based on Grant Organization''' -Contacts available to be selected can be restricted to those belonging to the organization* '''Inherit Grant Status Lock:''' - See [[Inherit Status Locking]] page for details.* '''Default Organization Lookup Category:''' -
Smartstaff, administrator