
Previous Upgrade: February 2013

28 bytes added, 19:22, 13 June 2013
Universal Tracking Application
<!--Variable List page updated-->
* New language translation setting introduced for the configuration of types and statuses for the UTA at Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. New [[Variable List|variables]] @type_lang@ and @status_lang@ introduced to retrieve the relevant translation based on the current user.
* New [[Field Permission Matrix|field visibility matrix ]] introduced allowing you to configure a complex combination of view/edit permissions for custom fields based on user roles and UTA statuses in bulk.
* Enhanced the UTA [[Batch Update|batch update]] feature to open directly off your current list view results instead of directing to a separate search page.
* Enhanced the UTA [[Batch Update|batch update]] feature with the ability to update multiple contacts/group for UTA Level 1.