
Previous Upgrade: February 2013

21 bytes removed, 01:55, 27 April 2011
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* Contacts can be assigned by Group at Level 2 and Level 3, in the same manner as Level 1. Additionally an Advanced Logic setting to hide the Group assign option at each level if it's not required.
* If the Level 2 multiple contact or account lists are enabled they can now be re-positioned below the custom fields, in the same relative location as they appear at Level 1.
* UTA Connection [[List View]] (Consumer/Provider) can be customized
* Data Exchange: Preserve Template, Preserve Type, reject new Template, reject new Type (Level 2 and Level 3)
* Aggregation UTA: Creating an aggregation UTA will facilitate creating reports that span multiple related UTAs by defining the association between equivalent fields in each UTA.
* Create Activity Workflow Task available at Level 2 to create Level 3 records.
* Workflow request for comment/approval at Level 2 and Level 3: can define whether the record appears in view or edit mode.
* Reports: Display Charts using Flash animation
* Reports: New dashboard layouts: 1x7, 1x8, 1x9 and 1x10
* Global [[Advanced Logic]] to control who is permitted to edit contact/user profilesrecords.
* Fields searched and displayed when using the Ajax Lookup can be customized for Contacts and Accounts. The column headings can also be customised.
* Global auto-number option
* Manager Permission to provide read-only access to the Message Queue, controlled by user role.
* Manager Permission to restrict use of the Multiple File Upload Applet