
Updating Funding Data in ORCID

578 bytes added, 19:47, 31 March 2021
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# When the user logs into their portal, if they have not previously imported their ORCID profile, a message appears instructing them to navigate to the correct section.
[[File:114889-2021-7-ORCIDUserProfile.png|thumb|none|800px|Prompt for user to import their ORCID profile]]
# When the user navigates to the '''ORCID tab''' on their profile, they have the option to connect their ORCID iD. Instructions appear to the user in this tab. These instructions should introduce users to ORCID, why you are requesting access to their ORCID record, and what you will do with their data.
[[File:114889-2021-8-ORCIDUserProfileTab.png|thumb|none|800px|Message to user on their ORCID tab]]
# When they click the user clicks on the '''Create or connect your ORCID iD''' button, a new window appears for the user to create or login to ORCID. This process uses OAuth to authenticate ORCID iDs.
[[File:114889-2021-9-ORCIDUserProfileConnect.png|thumb|none|800px|User connecting to ORCID]]
# Once their the user's credentials are entered, the user is prompted to '''Authorize access''' for the system. Note that the organization name will be the one used to apply for the ORCID API and not SmartSimple Software.
[[File:114889-2021-10-ORCIDUserProfileAuthorize.png|thumb|none|800px|User Authorizing Access to ORCID]]
# Once the '''Authorize access''' is clicked, the ORCID iD is authorized and the user is prompted with a button to '''Continue to import your ORCID data'''. The ORCID iD is stored in the field designated in the configuration settings. Note the ORCID iD, access tokens and refresh tokens are all stored into the same record for the user in the system database. If '''Deny access''' is clicked, the process ends.
[[File:114889-2021-11-ORCIDUserProfileImport.png|thumb|none|800px|User prompted to continue to import ORCID records]]
# When the user clicks '''Continue to import your ORCID data''', the data is automatically refreshed on their profile and a thank you message appears. The user can close the separate window at their leisure. The user’s data is stored in JSON format in the field designated in the settings.
[[File:114889-2021-12-ORCIDUserProfileImportSuccess.png|thumb|none|800px|User's ORCID Profile successfully imported]]
# The user profile displays an overview of their ORCID profile. A count of different Funding Types and Works is provided at the top of the page. Details of the Funding and Works are listed.
[[File:114889-2021-13-ORCIDUserProfileChart.png|thumb|none|800px|Chart on user's profile]]
# If specific Funding records do not contain a year or amount, they are excluded from the chart and a message to the user is displayed.
[[File:114889-2021-14-ORCIDUserProfileChartMessage.png|thumb|none|800px|Message if funding data is incomplete]]
# An ORCID iD icon is displayed to the top of the page next to the profile name on the '''ORCID tab''' of the profile. This has a hyperlink to the public ORCID profile of the user’s account. The user’s iD and last imported date is displayed.
[[File:114889-2021-15-ORCIDUserProfileChartLink.png|thumb|none|800px|Link to user's public ORCID profile]]
# A button captioned '''Re-Import ORCID Data''' is available for the user to trigger a re-Import of their ORCID profile. Any data that has been updated or added to ORCID will be imported and the profile page automatically refreshed. The Last Imported date will be updated.
# A button captioned '''Unlink Account''' is available for the user to unlink their account. A message appears for the user to confirm. When confirmed, the ORCID profile information is immediately removed from the '''ORCID tab''' of their profile.