Cascading Status Changes

Revision as of 10:51, 19 May 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 10:51, 19 May 2009 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

A change in status at one level can update the status at the levels beneath it.

For example: From a L1, L2, L3, Transaction status – you can setup the following:

  • Type Filter – The L2, L3, Transaction type that you’re going to filter on to obtain items to update status
  • Status Filter – Once it finds the records that match the type, now it filters on the status, and any of those matches…
  • Set Status To - … it will change the status to this status


For instance, in a Universal Tracking Application if you have a Template named ThisTemplate, and there are many activities on that ticket of different statuses. We could setup the trigger set all L2s to Complete status, regardless of what status they’re on.

Add New Level 2 Trigger
Type To: All
Status Filter: All
Set Status To: Complete