
Revision as of 14:20, 26 February 2021 by Chin (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 14:20, 26 February 2021 by Chin (talk | contribs)


General Information

Next Upgrade Date

The next upgrade is scheduled for July 20 2023.

Upgrade Schedule

Upgrade Key Release Date Global Release Date
February 2025 Thu, Feb 13 2025 Thu, Feb 27 2025
June 2025 Thu, Jun 12 2025 Thu, Jun 26 2025
October 2025 Thu, Oct 9 2025 Thu, Oct 23 2025
February 2026 Thu, Feb 12 2026 Thu, Feb 26 2026
June 2026 Thu, Jun 11 2026 Thu, Jun 25 2026
October 2026 Thu, Oct 8 2026 Thu, Oct 22 2026

We regularly update the list of upgrade features and schedule for both the backup and production environments on this Wiki page.

This page will provide a general overview of each upgrade, with links to the Wiki articles describing the new or updated features and how to use them.

System Upgrade Process

The objective of the System Upgrade Process is to ensure that customers have a chance to review, without compromising the integrity of their production system, how their applications and information will work following the upgrade. In order to take advantage of this you will need to know how to access your backup instance of SmartSimple. If you need assistance with this either refer to the Backup Server and Testing Instances Wiki article, or contact the SmartSimple support desk.

For clients on a Private Cloud environment, please review the SmartSimple Upgrade Process – Dedicated Server page.

Upgrade Schedule Details

The following tables outline the detailed upgrade release cycle.

If you are part of our Key Release your SmartSimple Cloud system will be automatically upgraded according to the following schedule. Generally North American Clients are on the Key release.

Hosting Environment Date Maintenance Window Typical Downtime
Key Release Production Second Thursday of an upgrade month 22:00 - 23:59 EST 5 minutes
Key Release Backup Two weeks prior to the production upgrade 22:00 - 23:59 EST 5 minutes

If you are part of our Global Release your SmartSimple Cloud system will be automatically upgraded according to the following schedule. Generally clients in Europe, Middle East and Asia as well as Managed Dedicated clients are on the Global release.

Hosting Environment Date Maintenance Window Typical Downtime
Global Release Production Fourth Thursday of an upgrade month 22:00 - 23:59 local time 5 minutes
Global Release Development/Test Fourth Thursday of an upgrade month 22:00 - 23:59 local time 5 minutes
Global Release Backup Second Thursday of an upgrade month 22:00 - 23:59 local time 5 minutes

If you are on dedicated environment that is client-managed your SmartSimple Cloud system is only upgraded manually by your system administrator or by submitting a request to SmartSimple. The upgrade package is made available for you according to the following schedule.

Hosting Environment Date Maintenance Window Typical Downtime
Global Release All Fourth Thursday of an upgrade month client-managed 5 minutes

Backup Environment Update

  • Each backup environment will be updated to the "release candidate" prior to the upgrade date.
  • This update will provide for instance specific testing of release candidate, as you can log into your respective backup environment and test the changes against your most current data and configuration.
  • Internal staff will also be using these environments to perform instance specific testing.

Update Go/No-Go

  • Subject to satisfactory testing on both the pre-production environments and the backup environments, the Go/No-Go decision will be made on the Wednesday prior to an upgrade release.

Upgrade Feedback and Questions

If you have questions or need assistance or want to share your thoughts on the upgrade contact our support team toll-free at 866.239.0991 or email support@smartsimple.com

Previous Upgrades

See the Previous Upgrades page for a list of previously-implemented upgrade features.

Current Upgrade Package

General Details

Upgrade Dates

Public Cloud Production release date: March 11 2021
Public Cloud Backup release date: February 23 2021

Private Cloud Production (Managed Upgrades) release date: March 25 2021
Private Cloud Backup (Managed Upgrades) release date: March 11 2021


Watch this video to get a general overview of the new features in this release.

To watch this video in full screen, please click on the full screen button on the bottom right.

Global System Upgrades

The new features listed below are enhancements to the SmartSimple system and will be immediately available to SmartSimple users upon the application of the upgrade to their server:

Major Updates

Removed Base API Key for Signority E-Signature Integration

Deprecated the default system API key that is used for Signority e-signature integration services when no authentication credentials are configured. Going forward, in order to use the Signority e-signature integration, you will need to engage our partner vendor Signority in order to obtain a license and API key for use in your SmartSimple Platform3 instance. Clients currently leveraging our Signority integration would have already been contacted by a SmartSimple account manager to coordinate this transition, but if you currently have an integration with Signority enabled but have not transitioned to your own license key, please contact our support team for assistance with this. The Online Signature Provider setting can be found at Menu Icon > Global Settings > Integrations tab.

Deprecated Job Costing Application

Deprecated the legacy Job Costing application. In ages past, prior to the creation of the fully configurable Universal Tracking Application, several static Tracking Applications were created for out-of-the-box use. As these static Tracking Applications are now no longer in use, they are being removed from various configuration menus and settings pages. We do not anticipate any behaviour change to your system.

Deprecated Classic-style Calendar

Deprecated of the Classic-style Calendar. Previously, we introduced an update to the Calendar interface to update it inline with the latest Arcadia styling and behaviour. We also introduced a setting within the Global Settings > Classic Options area to allow you to continue using the previous Classic-styled calendar. However, for maintenance reasons we'll be removing this Classic Calendar option and again update your system to use the latest Calendar interface. If the setting for Classic Calendar within the Global Settings > Classic Options area is not enabled in your instance, then this change will have no affect on your system.

Deprecated IP Address and Workstation Based Login Restrictions

Deprecated user login restrictions to restrict access based upon IP address, or local computer. These were two options found within the Roles and Access menu within each user account. They were older features that allowed you to restrict user access, one based upon the source IP address of a user's connection, and the other based upon a static cookie file stored on a user's local computer. These are now legacy features that no longer function with the highest security standards that the system can offer.

Deprecated Personalized Alert Messages

Deprecated personalized alert messages. In an attempt to create more friendly, and personal system alerts and experience, we previously modified system alert messages for end users with an opening like "Hey John". Unfortunately, that wasn't quite well received by our entire audience, so we're removing that personal message from system alerts, and replacing it with simple symbols or generic "Alert" text where appropriate.

After the upgrade, alerts messages will be styled like the image on the right and will no longer say "Hey, first name".

New Limitation to Max Number of Records Returned by SmartConnect API Call

New limit has been introduced to cap the number of records returned by a single SmartSimple API call to 10000 records. This limit has been introduced in order to improve the response speed of API calls. If the criteria of your API call matches more than 10000 records, you will need to leverage the pagination parameters in order to make multiple calls to page through the results and return the full data set.

Updated Interface for Association of Records

Updated the interface and behaviour when searching and adding record associations to other records. This applies to areas such as Contact and Company associations to records, as well as the Special - Linked Record List custom field. An example of the affected area is the multiple contact and multiple company standard field lists within a UTA Level 1 record. The behaviour of adding contact or company record associations has been altered to allow you to perform multiple searches, and review all your selected records in comparison with the current list of contacts and companies before you attach them. A simple search and add function for contacts and companies has been added inline at the top of the list view as well. These changes will now make it faster and more intuitive for users to attach contacts or companies to records.

This Association Entry View pre-upgrade required opening a modal window.
This Association Entry View post-upgrade allows you to add one or more contacts in different roles without the need to open a modal window.

Enhanced Settings Screens for User Menu Permissions

Enhanced and consolidated the settings screens for configuration of permissions to menus and features. The configuration of access to menus and features can be a little daunting and confusing with settings pages split across multiple areas. We're addressing this by first migrating the settings for menus and features that were previously found under Roles and Security > User Roles > Menu, and consolidating them into the Roles and Security > System Feature Permissions screen. Secondly, while the default behaviour lists each setting and all the user roles that you have configured for each, we'll be introducing a new role-based entry mode. This role-based entry mode will instead allow you to specify all the feature permissions that you'd like to set per role much more easily in one shot.

Menu permissions can now be found under System Feature Permissions and can be viewed in feature-based or role-based entry modes.

Extended Group Email Functionality for Associated Companies of UTA Records

Extended Group Email function to be available for contacts within associated companies of a UTA Level 1 record. Previously, the Group Email function could only target contacts directly associated with the Level 1. Now, instead of having to connect contacts directly to the Level 1, you can email various contacts of the companies associated to the Level 1. The setting for this is located in the desired UTA > Configuration Settings > Security > Feature and Function Permissions > Level 1 item > Enable Group Email.

Group email contacts of associated organizations.

Enhanced Interface of Geomapping List Views

Enhanced the interface and behaviour of list views with geo mapping enabled. The map frame will now dynamically re-size accordingly as you adjust the search radius of the search filter. Improved interaction between the list records and the map icons, selecting either will highlight the corresponding list record or map icon to better connect the two.

When you search a list view based on proximity, the map will now zoom in and out based on your settings and items in the list will highlight if you select them on the map.

Updated Interface for Question Set Builder Custom Fields

Updated interface when setting up questions for a Special - Question Set Builder custom field. Previously, every question row listed formatting options such as number type, number precision, and currency. As these formatting options aren't always applicable to every field type, we've changed the default behaviour to instead now have these columns hidden, but provide you the option of showing these columns if you wish, as well as limit the available format options within. You can find this setting to control the format columns within the custom field configuration of a Special - Question Set Builder field.

Updates to the Question Set Builder Custom Field allow for more dynamic control over available columns and the options within.

Updated Interface Styles of Checkbox and Radio Inputs

Updated interface styling for checkbox and radio input elements and increased their size as well as updated styling for their state. This makes it easier for users to select these elements and to determine their current state.

Updated Visibility of Older Log Data

Updated visiblity of older log data to allow you to view log entries older than 2 years ago. In the November 2020 upgrade, we began moving log data older than 2 years ago into a separate archive location in the database. We've now linked these archive locations into the regular system screens, e.g. viewing field change history, where you will once again see these older log data seamlessly once again.

Updated Interface of UTA Record Copy Action

Updated the Copy UTA Level 1 or Level 2 action for simplified and improved user experience. The interim screen when you copy a record has been updated to hide options that are not available for the user to select copy behaviour for. A confirmation has been added whether you wish to remain on the current record that you're copying from, or whether you wish to navigate to the newly created record. Lastly, we've updated the behaviour when copying both a UTA Level 1 and its Level 2s to only create the records at the very end, instead of the current behaviour of creating the new Level 1, and then Level 2 as you step through the option screens.

A new alert will display when you copy records giving you the option to navigate to the new record or stay where you are.

Minor Updates

Updated Chart-type Portal Sections with Ability to Open Records

Updated chart-type sections within a portal to allow you to drill down, and open up individual records. This will now function similar to the table-type sections allowing you to navigate to and open individual records for review.

Updated Login Page to Include Language Selection When Not Explicitly Defined

Updated the display of the login page to include a language selection when you have multiple login pages configured for multiple languages. While you may still navigate to the language specific login pages using the lang parameter in the URL, if the lang parameter is not specified, then a language selection will be presented to the end user on the login page. Upon logging in, the language selection from the login page will carry through the user's login session.

The language dropdown on the login page when no default language is specified and when a language is specified. Note the parameter in the URL.

Added Additional Aggregate Record Count to Activities within Contact and Company Profile

Added the aggregate count of associated records within the left menu when viewing contact and company records. Some of the menu tabs representing activities, and UTA Level 2, and UTA Level 3 records associated to contact and company records did not have record counts displayed. These have been updated now to show you a count of these record types per contact or company.

Aggregate count for activities added in left navigation as seen on the user profile.

Added Ability to Export Configuration Error Log

Added support for export of Configuration Error Log results, as well as Autoloader Process logs. The output from these two areas may now be exported as a file and more easily reviewed by system administrators.

Updated Search Reference Within Custom Field Configuration to Include Reports

Updated the Search Reference function within a custom field to now also include reports where the custom field is included in. You can now determine if a field has been included within any reports.

Added Ability to Disable List View Sticky Search Behaviour

Added ability to disable the sticky search behaviour of list views. The default behaviour of list views to remember your last search, and display the results of your last search can now be disabled via your personal list view settings and disabling the "Remember Previous Search" option.

On-Demand System Upgrades

The following features are available immediately with the application of the upgrade, but must first be enabled or configured by a Global Administrator:

Major Updates

New Shopping Cart Feature

New Shopping Cart feature allows for the tracking as well as processing of payments from users. When this feature is configured, it will allow users to process payments towards organizations, or UTA Level 1 records. This feature was designed with end user donation purposes in mind and will allow you to process payments directly via our integration with our partner Stripe, or through an integration with your own financial system by way of payroll deduction. Users may choose from one-time payments to multiple payment plans. For system administrators, this feature can be enabled in the Global Settings area through settings called Shopping Cart. You can define what system objects are available to for inclusion within an order, and multiple payment forms as well to specify different attributes for different methods of payment. For example, you can include a flat processing fee, and either choose to display or hide this from the user's order summary screen. For end users, when they navigate the records made available for payment towards, they will be presented an option to add to their shopping cart, from which they may check out when done.

Donating to an organization using the shopping cart.
Choosing payroll or credit card payment options on the shopping cart summary screen.
The confirmation screen for a recurring payroll donation in the shopping cart.

Added Additional Themes and Templates Available to Portal Configuration

Added additional themes and templates available for use in portal configurations. Three new themes are now available. Five new templates have been added for use within these new themes. These templates allow you to setup well-designed tailored portals in a snap for specific audiences and focus areas.

Three new themes (looks) were added for use in portals as well as a visual picker. Note that the "Default" theme has been renamed to "Traditional".
Five new Templates (predefined layouts) were added for use in portals.

New Integration with ORCID Research Database

New integration with ORCID research and funding database. This allows you to integrate your SmartSimple platform with ORCID in order for users to pull down their ORCID profile into your SmartSimple platform, and also to push out funding data from the platform out to ORCID. Your organization will need to sign up for an API or integration key directly with ORCID, to be entered as an Integration Key in the platform. Additionally, individual users will need to each authenticate their user profile with ORCID and authorize the platform to access ORCID data in order to pull down or update their ORCID profile within the platform.

New Ability to Generate Fillable PDF Forms for E-signature

Added new ability to configure Web Page View custom fields with custom content that will include fillable forms on a system-generated PDF sent through an e-signature provider. Currently, this feature is only available for integrations with DocuSign.

New Custom Field Type Special - Like Button Rating

New custom field type called Special - Like Button Rating can be used to present a thumbs up and down rating. You can set the permissions and availability for this field just like any, and present your users with the ability to like or dislike a record.

Updated Disbursement Creator Tool Now Available to Non-Admin Users

Updated Disbursement Creator tool to be available for non-admin users. This feature may now be enabled for use by non-admin users via a role permission located in the allocation mapping settings. Enabling this for users will then display the Disbursement option within the Tools menu within a UTA Level 1 record.

New Ability to Restrict Available Consumer Records for Provider Connection Based on Consumer Type and Status

New ability to restrict the type and status of Consumer records that you can choose from the Provider UTA. Within the configuration of Consumer connection within the Provider UTA connectivity settings, you can now more granularly control the availability of which Provider records can be linked with which Consumer records by type and status combinations of both Provider and Consumer.

New Import Templates Now Available to Non-Admin Users

New Import Templates to allow you to configure import wizards for use by non-admin users. This functionality is available for use with UTA Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 type records. The configuration setting for this can be found within the UTA settings page -> respective level tab -> Import Templates. These templates allow you to create an import profile restricted to specific record types, statuses, and also the fields to import into. You may then permission the templates for use by user role. We've also extended the import wizard functionality to be available now for UTA Level 2, and Level 3 records as well. The interface and behaviour of the import wizard will now allow you to directly copy and paste content for upload in addition to file upload, as well as allow you to specify more options for column delimiter where only comma delimiters were accepted previously. The error detection and data validation has also been improved and will now alert you on any issues encountered at the end of the import. Lastly, you will be able to save your column mapping selection and reload these the next time you use the Import Template for a quicker import experience.

Minor Updates

Extended Bulk File Download Function for use With Consumer Provider List Views

Extended bulk file download functionality to be available for Consumer Provider list views. You may now configure Consumer Provider list views with the ability to download file uploads from the records returned in the list.

Added Options for Invitation-type Workflow Task to Create or Send Invitations

Added two new options for the Invitation-type Workflow Task to allow you create or send Draft Invitations. You can now trigger the creation and sending of contact invitations via Workflow Task, and additionally if the Workflow is triggered on a UTA Level 2 record, you will also have the ability to trigger a Level 2 activity Workflow Task that will create or send invitations off the parent Level 1 record.

Enhanced Hashtag-enabled Text-type Fields with Additional Options

Enhanced the Hashtag option for text-type custom fields with some additional options for improved usability. Introduced an option to restrict the ability to create new hashtag values to certain user roles. Introduced an option to categorize multiple fields into similar categories, such that end users entering in any of these fields will be able to search from the collective hashtags across all fields within the same category. Also introduced a new admin page, Hashtag Library, found in the Global Settings that will show you the list of available hashtags, and that also allows you to change the hashtag value and category.

Added Support for JSON Format for Report Exports

Added support for exporting report resultsin JSON format through the File Export feature of reports. Within the File Export configuration menu of a report, you can now specify an export format of JSON.

Beta Previews

No features are available for beta preview this upgrade.

Notes for Admins

Added New Parameters to SmartConnect API for Pagination of Records

Added additional parameters to the SmartConnect API to allow for pagination of record sets. For List action API calls, new parameters recordcount, recordstart, and recordend will now be returned to you. New parameters recordsperpage, recordstart, and pageofrecord will be available for you to pass to the calls to page through the result set. You may pass just the recordstart to indicate which record to start from, for example, given a recordsperpage 100, you could pass recordstart 1, 101, and 201 in order to obtain records 1-100, 101-200, 201-300 respectively. Another example, given a recordsperpage 100, you could pass recordstart 1, 1, and 1, in combination with pageofrecord 1, 2, and 3 in order to obtain the same record sets 1-100, 101-200, 201-300 respectively.

Added New Criteria Operators to SmartConnect API for Searching of Empty or Non-empty Values

Added additional operator available to the SmartConnect API for use within criteria to search for records where a field is empty or not. You may now include an operator of isempty, with a corresponding value of either true or false, within a criteria in order to search for records based on either empty or non-empty value.

Added New Attributes to SmartConnect API to Describe Sub-type of Custom Field Metadata

Added additional attribute fieldsubtypeid to the SmartConnect API function for Get Meta. This will allow you to retrieve the subcategory of a custom field. Where you were able to previously retrieve the field type, e.g. Text Box - Single Line, you can now retrieve the subcategory, e.g. Text Box - Date, or Text Box - Number for more granularity. You will be able to retrieve both the type name as well as internal type ID assigned to these types and subtypes.

Updated Default Settings for New Instances

Updated the default settings for any newly created instance to enforce stronger and recommended settings. Some of these default settings involve security settings, such as deprecation of plain text passwords in email reset template, and enforcement of SmartCheck server-side validation, Organization and User Security matrix, CAPTCHA validation, and cookie usage acceptance message. Some of these default settings involve interface settings, such as disabling of Classic-type interface options, enabling of compact header, and title bar navigation pane. Some of these default settings involve enforcement of configuration standards such as restriction of special characters and spaces in field names, and deprecated support for some variable syntax including reportproperty variable syntax in custom field options, as well as list variable syntax within group functions in template formulas.

Service Packs

May 20th 2021 (202103.09)


  • Fixed an issue where the record limit setting on a report was affecting the personal settings for the number of records per page displayed in a list view.
  • Fixed an issue where Global Administrators were unable to emulate the sessions of user accounts that had two-factor authentication enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the user was able to see links in their portal they did not have permission to see when they had the main menu page stored as their home page. Additional permission checks were added.

May 6th 2021 (202103.08)


  • Fixed issue where the most restrictive permission was applied on the availability of Note types if the user had a role that was enabled for both View Only and View & Create permissions when entering a new note.
  • Fixed issue where the activation link page was not displaying the CAPTCHA validation correctly when the Global CAPTCHA Validation was enabled.
  • Fixed issue where eSignature documents were not properly stored in the storage field when the Display - Text and Variable field of the document source was configured to store a parent-level custom field of a different type.
  • Fixed issue with the formatting of the phone standard field for sign-up pages containing pre-defined input formats.
  • Fixed issue with the workflow tasks triggered on a Level 3 object where the Level 1 associated contacts were being retrieved as the targeted users for the workflow action when the Use Assigned UTA Role option was selected.

Other Changes

  • Updated autoloader to handle import files containing the number sign ( # ) when they are enclosed in double quotes.

April 29th 2021 (202103.07)


  • Fixed an issue with role permissions on the Note type where the permissions for creating a note and also denying viewing access was not working as expected
  • Fixed issue where files were not being uploaded properly, despite successful confirmation message.
  • Fixed issue with the default sort order of selected documents exported to a Word merge document
  • Fixed issue with question set fields where the word "None" was prepended to the data entered when the number format was not set
  • Fixed issue with the Countdown field type permission settings not saving properly under certain scenarios

April 22nd 2021 (202103.06)


  • Fixed potential issue where the pagination on a report/list view would not display the total amount of pages and records accurately under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue with the upload permission on SmartFolders that was triggered under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed rounding issue on columns set to comma numeric format types on basic data table fields.
  • Fixed an issue with portal shortcuts where the record count did not match the number of records in the list view.
  • Fixed an issue with linked record list where the list view filter was not applying correctly on a list of contacts.
  • Fixed an issue that blocked the creation of personal filters when the system lock was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue in the GuideStar workflow task when the workflow was triggered from a signup page.
  • Fixed a number of missing configurations after cloning or importing a Platform3 instance.

Other Changes

  • Updated the database connection mechanism for Archive Schedule to reduce the amount of resources it consumes.

April 15th 2021 (202103.05)


  • Fixed an issue with referencing multiple list syntax on an advanced data table (with a row index) where the row index did not reset to 1 when listing the items from the second list syntax onwards.
  • Fixed an issue on the template page where if the user clicked Submit and then failed the validation, all subsequent Save Draft and Save operations still went to the confirmation page.
  • Fixed an issue where a blank modal was returned when assigning a consumer record to a provider record when using the batch update feature.
  • Fixed an issue within the Level 1 status settings page where if a type was removed from the Enabled on Types setting, all the statuses in the Available Status setting on that type would also be removed.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple confirmations and contract requests were being sent to Signority from the platform when the initial response from Signority was delayed and the platform failed to update the status of the submission record.

Other Changes

  • Updated pagination on classic reports to use the same pagination style as other list views.
  • Updated CAPTCHA validations on template pages so when the user is saving without submitting the form, it will not ask them to enter another CAPTCHA for the subsequent Save and Submit operations for the rest of the session.
  • Updated server hosted files being served on its own browser window (e.g. PDF) to show the browser's default favicon.

April 8th 2021 (202103.04)


  • Fixed an issue with the validation engine that would intermittently begin failing, and blocking the submission of records. The issue was apparent when users would encounter a validation error blocking them from submitting records, or sign up pages. Messages such as "There are some issues with the form validation. Please contact your system administrator." would have been encountered.
  • Fixed an issue with the permission validation for ability to create a UTA level 3 record. The system would incorrectly block the creation of a Level 3 activity when the user did not have view access to the level 1, where it should instead check for access to the Level 2.
  • Fixed an issue where a field configured with both a number formatting of Percent, and a precision, would round numbers incorrectly in view mode.
  • Fixed an issue where currency values were not storing correctly within an advanced data table for certain number formats. The number value was being incorrectly formatted for users with a locale that specified number formats without a comma symbol as the thousands separator, and a period symbol as the decimal separator. For example, a Spanish speaker entering a Euro currency formatted number as "1.234,56" would encounter an issue where the system did not correctly transform the number to the expected North American raw number format during calculation.
  • Fixed an issue where organization signup pages configured with verification services for National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) were unable to select an organization, and copy the organization details to the signup form.
  • Fixed an issue where the sort order setting of an Upload - Multiple Files Storage field would be reset when navigating to another tab and re-saving within the custom field settings page.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on the new activity button on the activity list view incorrectly opens the page in the background screen when working from a modal window.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a user or contact association through the lookup modal window would not automatically close the window when the record was selected.
  • Fixed an issue where the language setting of an advanced data table section may be cleared during configuration of the sections, when built in a certain sequence.

Other Changes

  • Updated list views to now render line breaks from the stored values onto the web browser.
  • Updated the default message shown for linked record list field type when creating a new record from "Click Save before using linked record list" to "Click Save before using FIELD_CAPTION".
  • Updated the invitation import feature to support the use of role caption. Previously it only supported role name.
  • Updated the configuration of advanced data table sections to no longer accept commas within a node name.
  • Updated the PDF generator engine to cache and load images from temporary files instead of fully within system memory while compiling the PDF file. This is intended to reduce memory usage from the PDF generation process and improve overall system performance.