
Revision as of 15:46, 7 March 2019 by Michael Reid (talk | contribs) (User Language Setting)

Revision as of 15:46, 7 March 2019 by Michael Reid (talk | contribs) (User Language Setting)

User Language Setting

Each user can select the language of their choice through System Profile menu. There are over 20 languages available. However changing language does not automatically translate the system. The behavior of the system will still depend on the configuration.

  • If all interface elements have been translated then the entire system will be rendered in the selected language.
  • If only parts of the interface have been translated then only the translated components will be rendered in the selected language, the rest will be rendered in English.
  • If nothing has been translated for that language then everything will be displayed in English.

Note: you can always see the Language ID (numeric value) being using in the Address Bar of your browser and, in fact, you can simply change that number to change the language.

  • 1=English (US)
  • 21=English (UK)
  • 2=French (Canada)
  • 3=Traditional Chinese
  • 4=German
  • 6=French (France)
  • 7=Japanese
  • 8=Finnish
  • 9=Spanish (Ecuador)
  • 10=Vietnamese
  • 11=Russian
  • 12=Turkish
  • 13=Italian
  • 14=Spanish
  • 15=Korean
  • 16=Portuguese
  • 17=Swedish
  • 18=Georgian
  • 19=Arabic
  • 20=Dutch

To access the langid value of the current user use @me.langid@

  • langid 99 is reserved for XML tags on custom fields.

For an overview of the configuration process related to languages review the Category:Translation category.

See Also