Company Sign-Up Page Settings

Revision as of 08:55, 23 June 2016 by Ciaran Donnelly (talk | contribs) (Company Sign Up – External Verification)

Revision as of 08:55, 23 June 2016 by Ciaran Donnelly (talk | contribs) (Company Sign Up – External Verification)


Disambiguation - Contact vs. Company Sign-Up Pages

A contact sign up page is very similar to a company sign up page with the following differences.

Contact Sign-Up Company Sign-Up
Contact standard fields displayed Company standard fields displayed
Role used to specify the type of contact and custom fields required Category used to specify the type of contact and custom fields required
Enables login Not applicable
Optionally provides on-line folder for the user Not applicable
Email welcome message Not applicable
Enables contact as Applicant (in the Applicant Tracking System) Not applicable

Sign Up Page Settings

1. Click the Account Signup – No menu.

The Company sign up page for this organisation is displayed.


This page consists of the following sections:

Company Sign up – General Settings

CompanySignUpPage GeneralSettings.png

  • Internal Entry – use this page when someone internally wishes to create a company. Generally this is not set.
  • Internal Format - overrides default signup page format and uses internal formatting for custom fields, including having any hidden header fields present on the page.
  • Use Security Token for Custom Fields - enhances security of external sign-up and template pages by validating the fields that are submitted with expected values.
  • Use Captcha Validation - enables CAPTCHA validation on sign-up page.
  • Match based on Local Hierarchy - Duplicate Check performed on new organization record only checks against organization records under new organization’s parent branch in the organizational hierarchy.
  • Enable Address validation - Address, City, State/Province and Postal Code fields must be enabled.
  • Activate Page – controls if the sign up page is active.
  • Name Check
  • Update profile for existing company - The system will check the company name, and if it exists, the company profile will be updated.
  • Do not update profile for existing company - The system will not update profiles of existing companies. When this option is selected then a a new Update Restriction Message section is exposed. If this Update Restriction Message is left blank the it should not block registration, only prevent updating the existing details in the system. If this Update Restriction Message is populated then it should block registration, with end user presented with a pop-up displaying the contents of the restriction message field.
  • Create new profile at all times - Has potential of creating duplicate records in system.
  • Matching Field - Defaults to Company Name. Administrators can set the field that the system uses to match entries on the sign-up form to existing companies in the system.
  • Default Country – controls the default country displayed in the country combo box. It also controls if States (United States) or Provinces (Canada) should be displayed first in the State/Province combo box.
  • Attach Web Form – indicates the name of a SmartSimple web form that the user completes after completing the sign up page.
  • Attach Contact Signup Page - associates a contact sign-up page with this company sign-up page, creating a hybrid sign-up page.
  • Description – describes the purpose of the sign up page.
  • Attach Workflow - enables a Workflow to be triggered off of a Company/User registration page

Company Sign Up – Page URLs

There are two URLs associated with each sign up page.


  • Standard URL – the address of the sign up page. You use this link to access the page directly or embed the link within your web site.
  • Email Broadcast URL – used in conjunction with the Email Broadcast application to display a company’s detail, and allow the recipient to update the company profile – without logging into the system.

Company Sign Up – Fields Settings

The Field Settings section of the sign-up page allows you to define the fields to display on the Signup page, as well as the order that they should appear.

The left hand side of the screen provides the fields that can be used.


The user can click on the drop-down to view the fields by category, based on whether they are standard fields, custom fields or category specific fields. SignUp10.png

The user can drag the fields from the left hand side over to the right hand side. Fields listed on the right hand side appear on the Signup page in the order that they are listed.

Company Sign Up – External Verification

The Field Settings section of the sign-up page also allows users to select an external verification service, which can then be used confirm or deny an organization's status as a charity, non-profit, or educational institution, as well as their presence on watch lists.


The available verification service options are as follows:

  • None: Option to select if there is no wish to use an external verification service. All Company field, including Name, can be entered as free text
  • Ajax: Option to select if users wishes to have an Ajax Organization name lookup, allowing for the quick selection of organizations from those already found in the system. When the Sign-up page is generated then the user simply types in some text and is presented with matching options, which they click on to select.


  • IRS: Option to select if users wishes to search IRS database before allowing the company to register. Additional options are exposed when configuring the sign-up page.
    • Lookup Field ID: The custom field that stores the EIN or Registration # for the organization. The corresponding field must be displayed on the Signup page and will be read-only when viewed. The value will be automatically populated once a successful search of the IRS database has been completed.
    • Exclude populate fields: If unchecked then the Organization Name and address field will be read-only and automatically populated once a successful search of the IRS database has been completed. If checked then the selected field will be editable on the sign-up page and will not be automatically populated once a successful search of the IRS database has been completed.
    • IRS Instructions: Click on the 'Sample Instructions' link to populate the field with sample instructions. These are what appear on the IRS search screen.
    • Exclude Foundations: Allows users to specify certain Foundation Types that will not be returned by the IRS search, helping restrict which type of foundations that can register.


When the Sign-up page is generated then the user is presented with a Search IRS Database button which, when clicked, exposes the Organization Search screen. If instructions are defined then they will appear here.


  • CRA: Option to select if users wishes to search CRA database before allowing the company to register. Additional options are exposed when configuring the sign-up page.
    • Lookup Field ID: The custom field that stores the Registration # for the organization. The corresponding field must be displayed on the Signup page and will be read-only when viewed. The value will be automatically populated once a successful search of the CRA database has been completed.
    • Exclude populate fields: If unchecked then the Organization Name and address field will be read-only and automatically populated once a successful search of the CRA database has been completed. If checked then the selected field will be editable on the sign-up page and will not be automatically populated once a successful search of the CRA database has been completed.
    • CRA Instructions: Click on the 'Sample Instructions' link to populate the field with sample instructions. These are what appear on the CRA search screen.
  • UK: Option to select if users wishes to search UK Charity Commission database before allowing the company to register. Additional options are exposed when configuring the sign-up page.
    • Lookup Field ID: The custom field that stores the Registration # for the organization. The corresponding field must be displayed on the Signup page and will be read-only when viewed. The value will be automatically populated once a successful search of the UK Charity Commission database has been completed.
    • Exclude populate fields: If unchecked then the Organization Name and address field will be read-only and automatically populated once a successful search of the UK Charity Commission database has been completed. If checked then the selected field will be editable on the sign-up page and will not be automatically populated once a successful search of the CRA database has been completed.
    • CRA Instructions: Click on the 'Sample Instructions' link to populate the field with sample instructions. These are what appear on the UK Charity Commission database search screen.
  • ABN: Option to select if users wishes to search Australian Business Register database before allowing the company to register. Additional options are exposed when configuring the sign-up page.
    • Lookup Field ID: The custom field that stores the Registration # for the organization. The corresponding field must be displayed on the Signup page and will be read-only when viewed. The value will be automatically populated once a successful search of the Australian Business Register database has been completed.
    • Exclude populate fields: If unchecked then the Organization Name and address field will be read-only and automatically populated once a successful search of the UK Charity Commission database has been completed. If checked then the selected field will be editable on the sign-up page and will not be automatically populated once a successful search of the Australian Business Register database has been completed.
    • CRA Instructions: Click on the 'Sample Instructions' link to populate the field with sample instructions. These are what appear on the Australian Business Register database search screen.

Company Sign up – Category Settings

You associate the company sign up page to one or more company categories.


The categories can be selected using the Lookup, with the options avaiablle depending on the categories that you have set in your instance. The available actions are as follows:

  • Add this category to profile: You select the categories that you wish to add against companies who sign-up to the system using the current page.
  • Change profile to this category to profile: You select the categories that you wish to update the company who sign-up to the system using the current page.
  • Remove from this category: You select the categories that you wish to remove from companies who sign-up to the system using the current page.

Company Sign Up – Page Templates

There are two HTML templates associated with the sign up page. You will need HTML skills to format these pages if you do not use the standard templates.



  • Sign up page HTML template defines the HTML content for the sign up page. You will need HTML skills to manage this page if you do not use the standard template.
  • Confirmation page HTML template defines the HTML content for the confirmation page.
  • Click Standard template to add the standard HMTL format.

Company Owner

If you include a hidden variable in the signup page called assignmeasowner (something like “<input type=hidden name=assignmeasowner value=1>”), then the system will assign the person who creates the company to be the owner (including external users).

See Also