Custom Combined Sign-Up Page

Revision as of 12:22, 16 May 2013 by Chris Kulczyk (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 12:22, 16 May 2013 by Chris Kulczyk (talk | contribs)

To create a Custom Combined Sign-Up Page (also known as a hybrid sign-up page), follow the instructions below:

Note: A basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript is required to complete this task.

1. Create a Company Signup page within SmartSimple. Remember to set (as required):

  • The mandatory and optional standard fields.
  • The company categories.
  • Insert the sample sign-up and confirmation template - required to save the page.
  • Click the Activate Page option button.
  • Set the Name Check field as appropriate (update profile or create new profile).
  • Click the Save button.

2. Create a Contact Signup page within SmartSimple. Remember to set (as required):

  • The mandatory and optional standard fields.
  • The contact roles.
  • Insert the sample sign-up and confirmation template - required to save the page.
  • Click the Activate Page option button.
  • Set the Email Check field as appropriate (update profile or create new profile).
  • Set the Enable Login - if required.
  • Click the Save button.

3. View the HTML source of both signup pages and join them together as desired.

  • Ensure there is only one form tag (see below), with action: /s_cpsignup.jsp
  • Both the ctoken from the company sigup and ptoken from the contact signup pages must be present. Example:
   <form action='/s_cpsignup.jsp' method='POST' onsubmit='return sb(this);'>
   <!-- this must be company signup page token -->
   <input type=hidden name=ctoken value="XVtQHUUGYFpfRBdfXxJSRlNZYg%3D%3D">
   <!-- this must be contact signup page token -->
   <input type=hidden name=ptoken value="XVtQC1oGYFpfRBdfXxJSRlNZYg%3D%3D">
  • Ensure there is only one Submit button.
  • If your Company and Contact signup pages both have a standard phone field. Leave the company field as is and rename the input for the contact phone to “uphone” example:
   <input type=text class='Large' name='uphone' id='uphone'>
  • The JavaScript validations for the "Contact Signup" and "Company Signup" should both be executed when submit is clicked.

4. With a new Restrict Duplicate Emails functionality (May 2013 upgrade Upgrades) when enabled on system sign up page by selecting Do not update profile for existing user you can look at the compiled source code and take out the script that use to check the duplicate and paste it into your smart folder hybrid page. The part of the code that you will need is the following within the sb(frm) function:

var paramrs=new in_ssRecordSet();paramrs.addfieldnames("pageid,matchvalue");
var idx=paramrs.getnewrecnumber();
if (!SS_UTADuplicateCheck(false,,0,30,'0','0',paramrs)) {
  return false;

Also, make sure you include the javascript file "/Ajax/uta/in_uta.js" on the page as well Note: the duplicate check script above will be different based on different settings on the signup page, so you cannot just copy and paste the code above for all signup page. You have to look into the source of each individual signup page you are referencing.

5. Save the page.

6. Create a web enabled Smart Folder and store the modified page in the folder.

7. Select the URL for this file through the File Options.

8. Use this URL as the link in the website.

See Also