Custom Field Type: Special - Web Page View

Revision as of 11:57, 18 May 2010 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 11:57, 18 May 2010 by Cameron (talk | contribs)

Field Display

Field View


Document Window – all Options enabled


General Description

A Web Page View field is used to create a “document” based on underlying entity data. The field type has a wide variety of document management options associated including the conversion to PDF or XML.

Field Options

  • Display Order: The order (relative to other fields) in which this field is displayed
  • Tab Name: Displays the field under a given tab
  • Field Name: The name of the field, used internally to reference the user's input
  • Caption: The leading question or prologue before the field
  • Button Label: Text to be displayed on the field's button

Special Options for Field

  • HTML Template – the body of the document combined with variables from the underlying entity
  • Value Stores To - when using the PDF or HTML Save to Multiple File Field options (explained below) allows you to specify the default Multiple Files folder to which the PDF or HTML document will be stored on the current record, parent record or grandparent record.
  • Enforce Selection - makes the Multiple Files custom field selected as the Value Stores To field the only field the file can be stored to.

General Options

  • Allow Printing – enables the user to print the resultant document.
  • Allow Editing – enables the userto edit the document with the HTML Editor
  • Allow New Window – displays the document in a new window so the browser’s print function can be used.
  • Is XML – indicates that the document is to be prepared as an XML output.
  • Automatically Use User ID as File Name - when using the PDF or HTML Save to Multiple File Field options (explained below) the filename of the file stored within the Multiple Files field will be named with the userid of the current user.
Note: if a file with that name already exists in the Multiple Files field it will be replaced with the new one, unless the Keep Version setting is enabled.
  • HCAI Enabled -
  • HCAI Automatically Redirect -

PDF Options

  • Enable Password Protection – enables the user to password protect the document (generally used when the document is going to be emailed). See Web Page View - Enable Password Protection
  • Send as Email – enables the user to send the PDF as an attachment to an email message.
  • Save to Local Disk – enables the user to save a local copy of the PDF document.
  • Save to Multiple File Field – enables the user to save the document as a PDF into any multiple file type fields in the related entity.
  • Maximum PDF Page Length that can be Saved to Multiple File Field - Specifies the maximum number of pages of the resultant PDF permitted to be stored into a Multiple Files field if the Save to Multiple File Field settings is enabled. This includes pages attached using ssattach. If the PDF document is too long it will not be stored.

HTML Options

  • Send as Email – enables the user to send the document as the body of an email message.
  • Save to Local Disk – enables the user to save a local copy of the HTML document.
  • Save to Multiple File Field – enables the user to save the document as a HTML document into any multiple file type fields in the related entity.


  • Enable Map Service: displays the map icon next to the field name that will launch the user’s selected map service and display a map of the content of the field
  • Enable People Search Service: displays the search Internet icon next to the field name that will launch a variety of search services and display the contact details from those services
  • Enable Organization Search Service: displays the search Internet icon next to the field name that will launch a variety of search services and display the organisations details from those services

Role - Field Permissions

These fields allow you to control by Role who is allowed to view and/or modify the field.

Status - Field Permissions

These fields allow you to control by the Status of the record whether or not the field can be viewed and/or modified.


Web Page View fields can use a unique SmartSimple logic interpreter. Web page logic gives you the ability to display certain content or perform certain actions only when specified conditions are met. SmartSimple logic follows the following template:
The content to be displayed when condition is true

See here for further details.