Custom Field Type: Text Box - Number

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Revision as of 15:56, 24 June 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs) (Notes)

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The Number Format setting on Custom Fields allows you to define how numbers in the field will be displayed.

Number Format Value Display
#,###.## 1234.5 1,234.5
#,###.00 1234.5 1,234.50
#.00 1234.5 1234.50
Currency 2000000 $20,000.00
Currency-EUR 2000000 €20,000.00
Currency-GBP 2000000 £20,000.00
Currency-QAR 2000000 QAR 20.000,00


  • The Number Format setting only applies in view mode, or when the values are displayed in a Web Page View, Report, MS Word Merge, List View, etc.
  • No formatting will be applied when the record is in edit.
  • Any currency defined by ISO 4217 can be shown by using the appropriate 3 letter currency code.

Important: in edit mode you must use a period (.) as the decimal, even if the currency defined uses a comma (,).