SmartFolders Overview

Revision as of 15:44, 29 May 2019 by Emmy Fu (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 15:44, 29 May 2019 by Emmy Fu (talk | contribs)



SmartFolders provide online storage for files, in a secure central location, that is accessible from any computer with Internet access.

SmartFolders Features

Feature Functions

Permissioned Access

  • User access to each SmartFolder can be limited to any company or role on a read only or read/write basis.
  • You can create secure folders that are shared with their clients, providing for collaboration on specific projects or for secure file transfer.
File Check Out/Check In
  • You can check out a file and the file will be read only until you check it back into the system.
  • If you share a folder with another company, the check in/check out process can ensure that two people are not working on the file at the same time. 
Workflow Driven
  • Each folder can have a workflow attached. This workflow will trigger when a file is added to the folder.
  • Attaching a workflow to a SmartFolder is very useful if you want to get an alert whenever a file is added or changed.
Internet Enabled
  • Folders can be flagged as Internet enabled to allow for global access external to the folder contents without the need to log into SmartSimple.
  • You can also use this feature to publish documents such as PDF files to the Internet.
External Notes
  • Folders and files can have notes attached, independent of the content of the file itself.
  • This feature allows for annotation of files that could not be annotated otherwise, such as images.
Email File
  • You can email any file to any contact from the SmartFolder.
New Folder and File Flag
  • When a new file is added, it is flagged with the "new" flag for all users. Once a specific user has reviewed the item,, the flag is removed for that user. 
Folder Size Limitation
  • Any number of folders can be created and any number of files uploaded to these folders, subject to the limitation of your Smartfolder subscription. 
  • If you need more space, use the Global Settings page to increase available space.

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Setting Up SmartFolders

To access your SmartFolders, click the 9-square menu icon on the top right of your page.

052919 MenuIcon.png

Under the heading Tools, select SmartFolders to display your SmartFolders window. 

  • Initially, there will be no folders or files available. 

Within your SmartFolders window, select New to set up a new SmartFolder.


The New Folder window is displayed. 


Folder Settings

There are two views to a folder: 

  • Folder Setting View: This view displays the security and other settings for the folder. This is the view you see when you first create a folder.
  • Folder Content View: This view displays the files you have uploaded to the folder. When you open an existing folder, the content view is used. If you need to see or alter the folder setting, select the Folder Settings button.

052919 EF SmartFoldersSettings.png

Folder Content and Properties

Each folder has the following properties:

Property Description
Internet enabled Displays a web address or URL that can be used to navigate the folder on the Internet. Anyone can navigate to this URL to see the folder contents. If you use this feature, the folder must be permissioned for Everyone access.
Name The name you wish to give the folder.
Description A longer description as to the purpose of the folder.
Full Text Search Option to index all of the folder contents, including any sub-folders.
Location The position in the folder hierarchy where the folder should be displayed. You can change the parent folder and move the folder to a new location in the hierarchy.
Workflow Associate this folder with a workflow process that will automatically start whenever a new file is added to the folder.
Company Permission Settings - View Folder List of organizations that are allowed to read the contents of this folder.
Company Permission Settings - Modify Folder

List of organizations that are allowed to modify folder settings.

Role Permission Settings -
View Folder
List of roles that are allowed to read the contents of the folder.
Role Permission Settings - Modify Folder List of roles that are allowed to modify folder settings.
Role Permission Settings - Upload Files List of roles that are allowed to upload files into the folder.
Role Permission Settings - Create Sub-folder List of roles that are allowed to create sub-folders under the current folder. 
  • The roles available to any user are dependent on the permissions associated with their role. 
  • If you do not set permission to a folder at the root, then as the owner you will be the only person who can access the folder.