Medical Case Management - Field Values

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Revision as of 14:54, 12 June 2008 by David (talk | contribs)

Unit Mesaures

GD – Goods and Supplies Unit measure for products purchased by the claimant from the provider to assist in the management of the claimant’s injury(ies); i.e. canes, splints, bath seats, theraband etc. If the code contains G, as in GXX01, the measure must be GD.
HR – Hour Unit measure for services where duration varies depending on the nature of the claimant’s injury or the application; i.e. Ultrasound, exercise, mobilization, telephone consultation. If the code contains TT, as in AXXTT, the measure must be HR
KM – Kilometre Unit measure for travel expenses. If the code contains KM, as in AXXKM., the measure must be KM.
PG – Page Unit measure for reports, letters and documentation other than OCF forms submitted to the insurer.
PR - Procedure Unit measure for a service for which there is a standardized process of delivery which neither varies in application or time; i.e. x-ray, manipulation, missed appointment etc.
SN – Session Unit measure for a physical rehabilitation session for which the provider has combined interventions that will be rendered each visit, as in SZZPR.

Minutes to Hour Conversion Table

5.8 hr
10.17 hr
15.25 hr
20.33 hr
30.50 hr
40.67 hr
45.75 hr
50.83 hr
601.0 hr

Category:Useful Field Values