Workflows - Overview

Revision as of 10:20, 8 May 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 10:20, 8 May 2013 by Arthur Lathrop (talk | contribs)

SmartSimple's software can be configured for work flow automation based on your existing proccesses.

You can create and apply a workflow to applications, or other types of objects such as folders, companies, and people.

For example, a specific Smart Folder or group of contacts may require a specific approval process associated with a specific role or person.

The people that you can associate with actions can be within the company or external to the company.

Action Objects

The following objects can be associated with a workflow.

Action Lists

There are two action item lists called Workflow Requests:

  • Requests to others – actions or reviews that you have requested other people to complete. This list is automatically generated from the workflows associated with SmartSimple objects and applications.
  • Requests to me – actions or review activities that other people require you to complete. This list is automatically generated from the workflows associated with SmartSimple objects.

Workflows are logical representations of business procedures.

Some common examples of workflow driven processes are:

  • Project Management – request for actions based on project status.
  • Documentation Workflow – the steps required to create, edit, and finally get a document approved.
  • Follow up Workflow – remind someone to contact a new client after a pre-determined length of time.
  • Problem Solving Workflow – the steps required to process problems and associated escalation procedures.


  • Activities that are completed by users that are not logged into the system (such as anonymous Web Forms) will not trigger Workflows for security reasons.