
Report Builder Column Settings

189 bytes removed, 19:07, 6 October 2010
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* '''Group By''' - Used in summary reports to group by, sum, count, or calculate the average of the field.
* '''Sort By''' - Determines the display order of the report results, '''Ascending''' or '''Descending'''.
* '''[[Calculated Field]]''' - Allows you to build out further complexity such as mathematical operators, concatenation, and supports mySQL syntax. For additional information, please see the '''Calculated Field''' tab in the Report Builder.
* '''Show''' - This flag is used to suppress the display of a field that you may need to use for criteria, but not display in the reports. For example, you may wish to produce a list of salaries over 100,000 per year and use the salary as criteria, but not show the result.
* '''Move Icons''' - '''Move Left''' and '''Move Right''' icons are displayed to the left and right of each '''Show''' check box. [[Image:Reps7.png]] These buttons are used to change the column order.
'''Note''': Also, Mozilla Firefox will load the report builder faster than Internet Explorer.
==Report Builder Help Panel==
The bottom panel provides help on the '''Report''' builder, and consists of five tabs. Each displays help on a different report-related topic.
* '''Date Comparisons''' - Describes how to set date and time based criteria.
 =Report Builder Format Tips=See Also=Under * [[Calculated Field section, you can use the following format for a date field DATE_FORMAT([this], '%W, %M %D') -- Thursday, November 5th  DATE_FORMAT([this], '%h:%i %p') -- 11:45 AM - 02:00 PM