
Custom Field Type: Special - Linked Record List

6 bytes added, 15:53, 26 February 2019
Field Options
'''With Contacts selected:'''
* List View - select from a dropdown list of available Contact list views, found in UTA configuration --> L1 settings tab --> Contact Association Settings --> Contact List View.
* Association Role Filter - select from a list of Contact roles.
* Enable Signup Page for Creation - when toggled on, this option uncovers an additional Signup Page dropdown list. This list shows all available User signup pages, in the format: Associated Company - Description. This allows you to select a User Signup Page to use, should you wish to use your Linked Record List to create a new user. If this option is left toggled off, user creation will proceed as normal, without a signup page. Creating a user in this way will not automatically add them to the record list; you would need to complete the creation first, before searching for and adding the user as a separate action. The Create New User option will only appear if the user you enter in the Search bar cannot be found.
'''With Companies selected:'''
* List View - select from a dropdown list of available Account list views, found in UTA configuration --> L1 settings tab --> Account Association Settings --> Account List View.* Association Role Filter - select from a list of Account Association roles, found in both UTA configuration --> L1 settings tab --> Account Association Settings --> Account Roles and in Global Settings --> Associations --> Roles.
'''With Activity List selected:'''
Smartstaff, administrator