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Record Page

644 bytes added, 20:35, 9 July 2021
no edit summary
'''Action bar button groupBar Button Group'''<br />Contains: New (level 1, level 2 and other options), View/edit mode button, Options menu
'''Title Area'''<br />Contains: Title and High visibility options
'''High Visibility Options'''<br />Contains: Hide/show instructions, Add to SmartCard, Enable/disable dock
'''Hierarchical Navigation Bar'''<br />Contains: Links to parent object (UTA > L1 > L2 . L3)
'''Body'''<br />Contains: Custom/standard fields, tab area
'''Tab Area'''<br />Contains: Custom fields of the type Layout tabbed section
'''Left Navigation'''<br />Contains: Main, Notes, Contacts, Invitations, Organization, Level 2s (activities)
'''Submit Bar'''<br />Contains: Save and Submit buttons
'''Tab Bar'''<br />Contains: Tabs, New tab button, Multi task button
The body area of the Records page contains all your custom fields. 

Navigation menu