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The Web Page View Field provides the ability to display a fully formatted document or web page.

In constructing this type of page HTML is used in conjunction with the following variables.

Variable List

User Variables

@me -- means current user

@me.firstname@ will be replaced by current user's firstname





UTA Level 1, Sales Opportunity and Job Variables













@jobquestions@ - displays as combo boxes

@jobquestionsr@ - displays question only


@owner.field@ Example: @owner.name@ or @owner.address@

@company.field@ Example: @company.name@ or @company.address@

@branch.field@ Example: @branch.name@ or @branch.address@

UTA Level 2 / Activities Variables







@modifieddate@ (numeric value including time)

@longmodifieddate@ (text value excluding time)

@starthour@ - (0-23)

@starth@ - (0-12)

@startpmam@ - (PM or AM)


@endhour@ - (0-23)

@endh@ - (0-12)

@endpmam@ - (PM or AM)









@contact.field@ @eamount@

Example: @contact.firstname@ or @contact.email@


Example: @assigned.firstname@ or @assigned.email@

@contact.company.field@ (same as assigned)

Example: @contact.company.address@ or @contact.company.city@

@parent.field@ (Note: All field names should be entirely lower case.)

Example: @parent.name@ or @parent.startdate@ or @parent.#id#@

Custom Field Variables

@customfield name@ - by name


@#customfield id#@ - by id

Example: @more information@ or @#17342#@

Tip for Users: It is recommended to use the custom field id in order to avoid conflicts with possible duplicate field names. The field id can be found in the far right column when looking at the custom field list.

Field List

People Fields

firstname, lastname, name, title, email, phone, company, address, address2, city, province, state, country, postalcode, owner, modifieddate, cost, costunit, type, resourcename, isrecource, prefix, suffix, uphoneext

Company Fields

name, address, address2, city, province, state, country, postalcode, phone, fax, website

Lead Fields

status, description, name, phone, fax, address, address2, city, state, province, country, postalcode, website, firstname, lastname, contactphone, title, email, dat_added

How to display contact information for people associated in the Contacts section

Use the variable:



rolename = the name of the role that has been assigned to the contact on the Level One item

field = the name of the field that is located on the contact's record.

Example: @contact.adjuster.firstname@ or @contact.project manager.address@

How to display a list of UTA Level 1 Activities, Contacts or Companies

object= [activity,contact,user,company,association,level-1 (applies to contacts only) or transaction]

~field~~field~~field~$customfield name or id$


[#(?object=contact;orderby=lastname;criteria=role='Internal People')#]

To list a specific activity type only:


e.g. where typename='activity name'


e.g. where typeid='141414'

To list activity based on a specific status name or status id:


e.g. where statusname='status name'


e.g. where status.id='1234'

To format the start date and start time:

~date_format(startdate,'%Y-%m-%d') as startdate~


~date_format(startdate,'%h:%i %p') as starttime~

How to get a UTA contact role /company role record


How to retrieve Level 1 Company /Contact Role custom fields




fieldid = the numeric id of the custom field

Contact Detail

~uprefix~ ~firstname~ ~lastname~

~uaddress~ ~uaddress2~

~ucity~, ~ustate~ ~upostalcode~

How to display a date format

The following date variables are available for a long date format:





Example: @longstartdate@ returns "Tuesday, November 15, 2005"

The following date variables are also available:

@now@ - full current date and time

@currentdate@ - full current date only

To display only specific elements of the current date:

@month(currentdate)@ - month number

@day(currentdate)@ - day

@year(currentdate)@ - year

@dayweek(currentdate)@ - name of day

@monthname(currentdate)@ - name of month

To display only specific elements of the full start date:

@month(fullstartdate)@ - month number

@day(fullstartdate)@ - day

@year(fullstartdate)@ - year

@dayweek(fullstartdate)@ - name of day

@monthname(fullstartdate)@ - name of month

You can also parse out a particular date format in a date field:

@year(datefield)@ - returns the year value in datefield

@month(datefield)@ - returns the month value in datefield

@day(datefield)@ - returns the day value in datefield

@hour(datefield)@ - returns the hour value in datefield (0-12)

@hour24(datefield)@ - returns the hour value in datefield (0-24)

@minute(datefield)@ - returns the minute value in datefield

@second(datefield)@ - returns the second value in datefield

How to hide a variable if it is missing

Put in front of variable name like this

Example: @parent.contact.adjuster.email@

How to display check boxes in the web page view

To display Select Many - Check Box type cutom fields as check boxes in a web page view add @checkbox('customfieldid','option name')@ to the check box control.

Example: <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox" @checkbox('12345','yes')@>

How to suppress the Page Footer with Printing the Page

To suppress the footer when printing the page you need to change your browser settings.

Internet Explorer

1. Choose the File Page Setup menu.

2. Delete the Header and Footer text.

3. If required, change the margins.


1. Choose the File Page Setup menu.

2. Click the Margins & Header/Footer tab.

3. Set all Header and Footer options to Blank.

3. If required, change the margins.

How to control print behavior

To define a page break place the following code in the HTML source before the content you deem as the next page:

To change the page orientation to landscape first place the following in the header portion (<head></head>) of the HTML:

<style type="text/css" media="print"> div.page { writing-mode: tb-rl; height: 80%; margin: 10% 0%; margin-right: 80pt; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(Rotation=1); } </style>

Then place
in the HTML source around the "page" content.
This is the page content that needs to be in landscape

Please note that the page orientation control only works with Internet Explorer and is not the greatest quality print due to the page being converted to an image then rotated.

How to control print behavior when saving as a PDF

To define a page break in a PDF add <pd4ml:page.break/> before the content you deem as the next page.

To change the orientation of a page to landscape in a PDF add <pd4ml:page.break pageFormat="rotate"> before the content you deem as the next page.


In the event of 2 variables running together (removing the ending @ and beginning @) the issue can be resolved by placing a non-breaking space tag ( ) in between each other.