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Using an Excel Template for List View Export Results

995 bytes removed, 20:30, 20 July 2017
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* This feature can be used in conjunction with the [[Positioning Exported List View Results in your Excel Spreadsheet]] feature.
* The "Start Location" field determines the starting position of your list view results (the "data").
* The "Query String Location" field determines the starting position of the search criteria currently selected to filter your list view results (the "metadata"). If your list view is not filtered, the Query String will be blank.
* The default setting is 0;0;0 for both fields. This means that your list view results will be exported, with the topmost, rightmost value appearing in the first worksheet, in cell A1.
Note: The syntax for both the "Start Location" and "Query String Location" fields is ''worksheet'';''column'';''row''
The numbering begins at zero, so the first worksheet, first column or first row would be referenced with a 0, as opposed to 1.
Therefore, if you wanted either the list view results or the metadata to be placed in the third worksheet of your Excel file, starting in cell B4, you would enter ''2;1;3''
The first worksheet, cell A1 would be ''0;0;0''
* [[Positioning Exported List View Results in your Excel Spreadsheet]]
[[Category:Document Generation]]
Smartstaff, administrator

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