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Validation Options

Other than Numeric, Alphabetic, Date and Allow Empty, users can define their own validation or criteria for a custom field by creating a user-defined validation based on JavaScript syntax.

To have a custom field only accept certain values

>n or @value@>n

If @value@ is not found, the system will automatically put it at the very front of the validation criteria.


n is any number

> means greater than

< means less than

>= means greater than or equal to

<= means less than or equal to

== means equal to


To have a custom field only accept values larger than 100, enter

>100 or @value@>100 in the Custom box.

To limit the amount of characters that can be entered into a field



n is any number


To limit the number of characters in a field to 35 or less


To have a custom field only accept values in a range

@value@>n && @value@<n


n is any number

&& means "AND"

|| means "OR"

! means "Not"

() means brackets :-)


To have a custom field only accept values between 100 and 200, enter

" @value@>99 && @value@<201 "

To perform pattern matching

isMatch(@value@, pattern, isEmptyOK)

Where pattern is

L = Letter

N = Number

A = Alphanumeric


isEmptyOK is

True or False


To validate 9 digits SIN number, put this into the box

isMatch(@value@, 'NNNNNNNNN', false)

To allow only numbers and one other character



c is any character


To allow a field to only hold numbers and a semi-colon
