Time Tracking Overview

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The SmartSimple Time Tracking application provides you with the ability to manage timesheets, associated approval workflows, and the application of resource’s effort and costs to a project.

The timesheet process moves through three stages:

  • Draft – the resource or timesheet administrators create.
  • Submitted – the resource or timesheet that administrators submit for approval. At this stage the timesheet is locked from further modification and cannot be changed.
  • Completed – If the timesheet is approved, the effort is applied to the project tasks, and the timesheet is locked.

Using timesheets also requires the use of a workflow. Generally, you will use one of the following types of workflow:

  • Straight-through Approval – the timesheet moves directly from submitted to complete, without any approval process.
  • Approval Process – the timesheet requires approval, so the submitted timesheet is reviewed by a manager, then either approved and moved to the complete stage, or rejected and moved back to the draft stage. If this process is used then:
  • Managers are automatically informed when timesheets requiring approval are submitted.
  • Managers can accept or request revision for a timesheet.

Timesheet Rollback

In the event of the miss-allocation of timesheets, the timesheet administrator has the ability to “roll back” the completed timesheets from a project.

This roll back has the effect of re-calculating all project costs.

Once the roll back process is complete, the timesheet is returned to the draft stage.

This application provides the following functionality:

Basic Timesheet Functionality

The resource can create their timesheets, or they can be created on behalf of the resource by a timesheet administrator.

The resource (or timesheet administrator) can associate time with:

  • Any task in any budgeted project, where the resource is directly assigned.
  • Any task in any budgeted project, where the resource has been designated as a team member.
  • Any task at the estimate stage, where the task has been designed as an accrual-type task.