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1,226 bytes added, 20:59, 24 June 2020
New Title Bar Navigation Panel
New Portal Configuration Mode now allows you to easily edit the configuration and contents of your portal interfaces. This option can be found when you open a portal preview and allows you to directly edit the portal while visually reviewing it.
<!--96926 - configuration mode for portals phase 2-->
[[File:2020-07-ticket-96926-1.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Previewing and editing a Portal, with the new Portal Configuration Mode, making it easy to edit menus, sections and text.]]
====Enhanced Translation Functionality for Password and Activation Settings Page====
Enhanced system setting pages that allow for language translations to show you the original label value for improved ease of use. Previously, when configuring a new translation text for any setting, it was difficult to review the original text as you were presented with blank inputs. Now, the system will initially present you with placeholder text of the original label values so you can easily translate them in place. An example of this can be seen when entering a language translation for a list view.
<!--52475 - Displaying read only English column names in list views when entering labels for other languages-->
[[File:2020-07-ticket-52475-1.png|thumb|none|500px|Prior to the upgrade, when entering translations into a list view, the inputs were empty.]]
[[File:2020-07-ticket-52475-2.png|thumb|none|500px|After the upgrade, when entering translations for a list view, the inputs will contain English placeholder text until you enter a translation.]]
====Added Navigation Bar for Configuration Screens====
Extended the Hierarchical Record Navigation bar into configuration pages for improved navigation and user experience for system administrators. This will help you to better visualize the relationship between certain complex settings, and for navigating between screens easier. This will simplify the navigation between different levels of settings pages, for example, flipping between UTA settings, down to the custom field configuration, and back.
<!--90026 - Custom field context - navigation bar-->
[[File:2020-07-ticket-90026-1.png|thumb|none|500px|After the upgrade the hierarchical navigation bar will appear on configuration pages such as the Level 1 Custom Field. Note you can navigate direct to the UTA List, the UTA Settings page and the list of Level 1 custom fields with a single click.]]
====Deprecated Classic Interface====
New ability to define the colours used to represent specific groups of values in a chart. This allows you to build a dashboard of multiple charts and coordinate the same colour scheme used within each. Due to the variability of return values between each chart, the colour definition is configured for each individual chart. For example, given multiple charts that show aggregated amounts based on country, you will need to define the colour to be used for values "Canada", "United States",...etc. in each chart. This functionality has been made available to those charts created from list views, and is not available to charts created from reports.
<!--65330 - Ability to choose colour in list view charts and dashboards-->
[[File:2020-07-ticket-65330-1.png|thumb|none|500px|Define the series colors in list view charts found in portals and in personal dashboards.]]
[[File:2020-07-ticket-65330-2.png|thumb|none|500px|The settings for defining series colors for a card on a personal dashboard.]]
====New Option to Limit Available User Roles for Association to UTA Record Types====
New Title Bar Anchor Navigation feature allows you to display a navigation pane on forms that allows users to easily navigate between various titled sections of a form. The setting has been introduced as a global instance-wide setting found in Global Settings -> Branding, and when enabled will manifest a navigation pane with links to the various Title Bar fields that you have configured on your forms.
<!--111287 - Improved tabs and record completion-->
[[File:2020-07-ticket-111287-1.png|thumb|none|500px|The new optional Title Bar Anchor Navigation as seen on a level 1 like a grant.]]
====New Form Completion Indicator====
Smartstaff, administrator

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