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Login Page

46 bytes added, 19:34, 9 August 2019
Settings Explained
||'''Background Position'''
||Select how the image will render at different resolutions by choosing where to anchor the image vertically and horizontally. For example if you choose '''Top ''' and '''Left ''' as the position, then the top left area of the background image will always be visible on screen. Anything on the right/bottom of the image may not display depending on screen size and aspect ratio of the image and the users device.
||'''Background Color'''
||'''Background Opacity'''
||Adjust this setting to change the opacity of the background color. For example '''High ''' will make the color completely opaque and you will not see the background image. '''Low ''' will make the background color completely transparent revealing the background image as uploaded. Something in between '''Low ''' and '''High ''' will create a translucent layer of color over the background image.
||'''Panel Color'''
||'''Panel Opacity'''
||Select the level of opacity for the panel that appears behind the content such as the username and password. '''Low ''' will make the panel transparent, '''High ''' will make the panel opaque.
||'''Font Color'''
||Select the color used for all text that appears on the panel. Example '''Content Title, Content Text, Link Section Title, '' etc. Note you must make sure there is enough contrast between the foreground text and the panel or background image. Typically text is black on a white panel or white on a black panel.
Smartstaff, administrator

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