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Custom Save and Save Draft Buttons

167 bytes added, 20:26, 23 October 2017
updating categories
* This button validates all fields in the record, ensuring that mandatory fields and formatting requirements are satisfied.
* Clicking the Save button does not change the current status.
* [[Submit Logic]] is not available on Save buttons.
|Save Draft
* Save Draft saves the record, but performs NO validation.
* This button should always be used in conjunction with at least the Submit button.
* [[Submit Logic]] is not available on Save Draft buttons.
* It saves the record and changes the status to the status defined in the '''Submit Button Status''' section of the original status.
* ''Note that the label on the Submit button can be defined in the '''Submit Button Label''' section of the status page, so may appear with another name.''
* [[Submit Logic]] can be set on Submit buttons.
* [[Status]]
* [[Submit Buttons]]
* [[Submit Logic]]
[[Category:Universal Tracking Application]][[Category:Validation]][[Category:Process Flow]]
Smartstaff, administrator

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