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Custom Field Language Settings

97 bytes removed, 12:47, 1 June 2018
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word-wrap: break-word;">Note: If a custom field does not have an entry for the selected language of the current user, the English language custom field settings will be applied.</pre>
To access the Custom Field Languages Setting page, edit any custom field and click on the ''Language Settings'' button, found next to the Caption option.<br />
The Language Settings screen has a '''Language''' drop-down, with existing translations listed separated from those languages without a translation. Select the language from the drop-down to add a new translation or edit an existing translation.
The settings that can be translated using the '''Language Settings''' vary depending on the type of Custom Field being translated.
These can include:
* '''Caption''': The leading question or prologue before the field
* '''[[Tool Tip]]''': Help text to be shown on mouse-over
[[Image:CustomFieldLanguagesPage.png|link=|650px]]<br />
''Sample of a Custom Field Language Settings page on a [[Custom Field Type: Text – Single Line|Single Line Text]] field. Note that translations can be provided for [[caption]], [[JavaScript Validation]] messages and [[Tool Tip]]s.''
To access Once one language setting has been defined, the Custom Field Languages Setting page, edit any custom field and click on Language Settings screen will include it as one of the ''Language Setting'Existing Translations''' button.<br />[[Image:LanguageSettingButtonInContext.png|link|650px]]
Once one language setting has been defined, the custom field list view will show ''Add'' buttons for custom fields which do not have language settings defined, and ''Edit'' buttons for those that do. This facilitates the implementation of language settings for all custom fields.<br />[[Image:LanguageSettingsCustomFieldList.png|link=|650px]]
Language settings can also be exported from and imported to SmartSimple in [[Translation_Import/Export|XML]] format.
When translating [[Combo Box]] or [[Check Boxes]] custom fields it is important to use the ''StoreValue=DisplayValue'' technique to ensure that the value stored to the database is the same, regardless of what language is being displayed to the user entering the values. If this technique is not used the values stored in one language will not be correlated to other languages. This will lead to loss of data or inconsistent data.
If you want the value stored in the field to be different from what is displayed in the combo box you can use the following syntax in the Values section: StoreValue1=DisplayValue1;StoreValue2=DisplayValue2;StoreValue3=DisplayValue3;The value before the equal sign will be stored. The value after the equal sign is what will be displayed in the combo box (or check boxes), but does not get saved. {{StoredValue}}
When using this technique for translating custom field values there are 2 possible approaches:
The stored values in this case would be High, Medium or Low, but the combo box options displayed to the user would be the descriptive version after the "=".
'''XML Builder Translations'''<br />
It's important to note for an XML field how the section builder is configured. In the builder, a section separate for each language should be configured.
Under the Language Settings reference the section for the correlating language.
==See Also==
Smartstaff, administrator

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