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Pandora - Sample - Bulk Associate Contacts with Level1

9,117 bytes added, 19:52, 30 January 2013
Created page with 'The following HTML can be saved onto an HTML document or placed into a Web Page View to associate Contacts or Companies to Level 1 records in bulk (similar to an autoloader). It…'
The following HTML can be saved onto an HTML document or placed into a Web Page View to associate Contacts or Companies to Level 1 records in bulk (similar to an autoloader).

It also allows you to populate custom field data that is stored on the role (contact/level 1 intersection).

After selecting Contacts or Companies and filling in the required field information (including up to 10 role-based custom field) the data to be imported should be pasted in the field in the bottom of the page as tab delimited.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="/css/styles_common.jsp">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Ajax/uta/uta.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/validate.js"></script>
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" language=JavaScript
<table class="Form">
<th class="Form" width="150px">Import Type:</th>
<td class="Form"><select id="importtype"
value=0>Select One</option>
<option value=40>Contact</option>
<option value=30>Account</option>
<th class="Form">Developer Key:</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" value="" id="developerkey"
<th class="Form">Application ID:</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" value="" id="appid"
<table id="rolecategoryTABLE" style="display: none">
<th class="Form" width="150px"><div id="rolecategoryDIV"></div>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" value="" id="rolecategoryid"
<table id="dataTABLE" style="display: none">
<th class="Form" id="c1TH"></th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf1"></td>
<th class="Form">Level 1 identifier field name</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf2"></td>
<th class="Form">UTA Role Custom Field field name</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf3"></td>
<th class="Form">UTA Role Custom Field field name</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf4"></td>
<th class="Form">UTA Role Custom Field field name</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf5"></td>
<th class="Form">UTA Role Custom Field field name</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf6"></td>
<th class="Form">UTA Role Custom Field field name</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf7"></td>
<th class="Form">UTA Role Custom Field field name</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf8"></td>
<th class="Form">UTA Role Custom Field field name</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf9"></td>
<th class="Form">UTA Role Custom Field field name</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf10"></td>
<th class="Form">UTA Role Custom Field field name</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf11"></td>
<th class="Form">UTA Role Custom Field field name</th>
<td class="Form"><input type="text" id="cf12"></td>
<textarea id="data" class="XLarge"></textarea>
<input type="button" class="Button" value="Submit" onClick="process()">
<div style="height: 200px; overflow: auto;" id="errorDIV"></div>
function importtypeOnChange(type, text) {
if (type == "0") {
document.getElementById("rolecategoryTABLE").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("dataTABLE").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("rolecategoryTABLE").style.display = "block";
if (text == "Contact")
document.getElementById("rolecategoryDIV").innerHTML = text
+ " Role ID:";
document.getElementById("rolecategoryDIV").innerHTML = text
+ " Category ID:";
document.getElementById("c1TH").innerHTML = text
+ " identifier field name";
document.getElementById("dataTABLE").style.display = "block";
function process() {
var objecttype = parseInt(document.getElementById("importtype").value);
if (isNaN(objecttype) || objecttype != 30 && objecttype != 40) {
document.getElementById('errorDIV').innerHTML += "Invalid Import Type.";
var data = document.getElementById("data").value;
if (data.length == 0) {
document.getElementById('errorDIV').innerHTML += "No Data.";
var rows = data.split("\n");
ss_developer_key = document.getElementById('developerkey').value;
for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var cells = rows[i].split("\t");
if (cells.length < 2) {
document.getElementById('errorDIV').innerHTML += "No Identifier Data on Row "
+ (i + 1) + ".<br/>";
var objectid = getObject(objecttype, cells[0], document
if (isNaN(objectid) || objectid == 0) {
document.getElementById('errorDIV').innerHTML += "Can not find ";
if (objecttype == 30)
document.getElementById('errorDIV').innerHTML += "account";
document.getElementById('errorDIV').innerHTML += "contact";
document.getElementById('errorDIV').innerHTML += "on Row "
+ (i + 1) + ".<br/>";
var opportunityid = getObject(23, cells[1], document
if (isNaN(opportunityid) || opportunityid == 0) {
document.getElementById('errorDIV').innerHTML += "Can not find level 1 on Row "
+ (i + 1) + "<br/>";
associate(objectid, opportunityid, cells, objecttype);
document.getElementById('errorDIV').innerHTML += "Done.<br/>";
function associate(objectid, opportunityid, cells, objecttype) {
var rs;
switch (objecttype) {
case 30:
rs = levelonecompany_find(false, '', document
.getElementById("appid").value, opportunityid, 'opcid',
'opc.opccompanyid=' + objectid, '', 0, 1, '');
case 40:
rs = levelonecontact_find(false, '', document
.getElementById("appid").value, opportunityid, 'oprid',
'opr.contactid=' + objectid, '', 0, 1, '');
if (!rs || rs.recordcount == 0) {
var fields = "";
for (i = 2; i < cells.length && i < 10; i++) {
var field = document.getElementById('cf' + (i + 1)).value;
if (field.length > 0 && cells[i].length > 0)
fields += "," + field;
if (fields.length == 0) {
utarole_add(false, "", 23, opportunityid, objecttype, objectid,
fields = fields.substring(1);
rs = new ssRecordSet(null);
idx = rs.getnewrecnumber();
for (i = 2; i < cells.length && i < 10; i++) {
var field = document.getElementById('cf' + (i + 1)).value;
if (field.length > 0 && cells[i].length > 0)
rs.addfieldvaluebyname(idx, field, cells[i]);
utarole_add(false, "", 23, opportunityid, objecttype, objectid,
document.getElementById('rolecategoryid').value, rs);
} else {
var id = "";
switch (objecttype) {
case 30:
id = rs.getfieldbyname(1, "opcid");
case 40:
id = rs.getfieldbyname(1, "oprid");
if (id.length == 0)
rs = new ssRecordSet(null);
var fields = "";
for (i = 2; i < cells.length && i < 10; i++) {
var field = document.getElementById('cf' + (i + 1)).value;
if (field.length > 0 && cells[i].length > 0)
fields += "," + field;
if (fields.length == 0)
fields = fields.substring(1);
rs = new ssRecordSet(null);
idx = rs.getnewrecnumber();
for (i = 2; i < cells.length && i < 10; i++) {
var field = document.getElementById('cf' + (i + 1)).value;
if (field.length > 0 && cells[i].length > 0)
rs.addfieldvaluebyname(idx, field, cells[i]);
utarole_update(false, '', 23, id, objecttype, rs);
function getObject(objecttype, identifiervalue, objectfieldname) {
var rs;
switch (objecttype) {
case 30:
rs = company_find(false, "", "companyid," + objectfieldname,
objectfieldname + "=\"" + identifiervalue + "\"", "", 0, 1,
case 40:
rs = contact_find(false, "", "userid," + objectfieldname,
objectfieldname += "=\"" + identifiervalue + "\"", "", 0,
1, "");
case 23:
rs = levelone_find(false, '',
document.getElementById("appid").value, "opportunityid,"
+ objectfieldname, objectfieldname + "=\""
+ identifiervalue + "\"", '', 0, 1, '', '', '');
return 0;
if (rs == null || rs.recordcount == 0)
return 0;
switch (objecttype) {
case 30:
return parseInt(rs.getfieldbyname(1, "companyid"));
case 40:
return parseInt(rs.getfieldbyname(1, "userid"));
return parseInt(rs.getfieldbyname(1, "opportunityid"));


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